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yeah half dead jack would be a good fight for sanji this arc
According to half dead Jack the half dead scabbards are too much for Tobi Roppo.....Also we've seen that regardless of injury commanders are still above their lower ranking members. Even after Gamma Knife Doflamingo was still above the executives, and even with the stab would you not still take Katakuri over Daifuku and Oven?


According to half dead Jack the half dead scabbards are too much for Tobi Roppo.....Also we've seen that regardless of injury commanders are still above their lower ranking members. Even after Gamma Knife Doflamingo was still above the executives, and even with the stab would you not still take Katakuri over Daifuku and Oven?
of course i'm just saying that a healthy commander would be too much for sanji
Crying is crying no matter the way you are trying to put it. It's shameful and a disgrace. You just need to look at Kidd's friends and how they are cringing so hard from it.

Wait, what? Who said anything about Simpji's CoA? I'm genuinely confused...

He's crying like a girl. That's all there is to it.
The Fuck?????
"Crying like a Girl" for being Happy...

And "you" can be used as plural XDXD
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