Current Events Sanji just leaked Robin’s whereabout to CP0

Robin: "Thanks for counting on me Sanji."

Fans: "Lool, Sanji sold Robin out."

This is the dumbest argument, I swear. Picture this scenario

1. The kitchen catches fire. Instead of taking action, you sit on your ass, scream, cry and do nothing as the flames grow bigger and more intense.

2. Eventually at some point you come to your senses and call me for help. I arrive with an extinguisher to put out the fire that you chose to do nothing about.

3. The fact that I might thank you for considering me reliable enough to fix YOUR mess and bail you out does not make you any less retarded for letting the situation get to where it did.

To summarise: letting yourself get bashed to a bloody pulp, publicly announcing your crewmate’s location and begging her to rescue YOU from a situation YOU refused to address makes you an utter disgrace.

Thank you Heat and Wire for the astute observation. You can return to being useless now.
This is the dumbest argument, I swear. Picture this scenario

1. The kitchen catches fire. Instead of taking action, you sit on your ass, scream, cry and do nothing as the flames grow bigger and more intense.

2. Eventually at some point you come to your senses and call me for help. I arrive with an extinguisher to put out the fire that you chose to do nothing about.

3. The fact that I might thank you for considering me reliable enough to fix YOUR mess and bail you out does not make you any less retarded for letting the situation get to where it did.

To summarise: letting yourself get bashed to a bloody pulp, publicly announcing your crewmate’s location and begging her to rescue YOU from a situation YOU refused to address makes you an utter disgrace.

Thank you Heat and Wire for the astute observation. You can return to being useless now.
Bad analogy, he can't put out the fire without the extinguisher. What do you want him to do, hit women?

Plus Robin doesn't expect payment or blame when she helps, she's just happy to do so. It's called being a trustworthy friend and crew member.
Uh-oh, epic fail from mr. spy there
Thats actually true but remember what aokiji said when they he had a conversation with robin? Aokiji said that robin can easily escape from cp-9 but robin said that this time it was different because she bilieves in her friends.

so if something happen to robin i bet she wont escape or get captured but she will bilieve in the strawhats wholeheartedly that she is safe or save.
Isn't Sanji always regarded by some as a "silent protector who does everything in the background" of the SH?
And now, he revealed the position of Robin on a loud motherfucking speaker to everyone in Onigashima.
Wow such character development, Luffy is totally gonna sellout Robin if he's put in the same situation because he trusts Robin's strength. Wow.
Now it's 'Sanji the Loud Sell Out'.
This is the dumbest argument, I swear. Picture this scenario

1. The kitchen catches fire. Instead of taking action, you sit on your ass, scream, cry and do nothing as the flames grow bigger and more intense.

2. Eventually at some point you come to your senses and call me for help. I arrive with an extinguisher to put out the fire that you chose to do nothing about.

3. The fact that I might thank you for considering me reliable enough to fix YOUR mess and bail you out does not make you any less retarded for letting the situation get to where it did.

To summarise: letting yourself get bashed to a bloody pulp, publicly announcing your crewmate’s location and begging her to rescue YOU from a situation YOU refused to address makes you an utter disgrace.

Thank you Heat and Wire for the astute observation. You can return to being useless now.
Terrible analogy. Sanji wasn't sitting on his ass and doing nothing. He took out all the males in Black Maria's group, and then was caught up in the Web when only the females were left. Inline with his character.

In chapter 1004, Sanji wasn't going to call out to Robin, all he said was that Black Maria should underestimate Nico Robin at her own peril. It was only AFTER the fact that he learned that King placed the order to have someone go and kill the Scabbards, that Sanji changed his tune.

Black Maria said she would go and kill the scabbards herself. It was then and only then, did Sanji, knowing damn well that he can't do anything to stop her, decide to make the decision to call Robin. As Soon as Robin and Brook showed up, Sanji immediately said he was going to head where the scabbards are. Sanji didn't call Robin because HE wanted to be saved. He called Robin to save him, because the Scabbards needed to be saved.
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They already knew she was on Onigashima. The Straw Hats all posed right in the middle of the battlefield. If the Alliance loses, then it makes no difference to even try and hide Robin. Strategically, it's better for Robin to free Sanji so they don't lose a strong asset for the war.
Yeah they knew but it doesn't change the fact that inverse characters like Jinbei questioned Sanji's decision to show Robin's actual location. If it wouldn't have made a difference, that statement from Jinbei would be irrelevant
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Questioning Sanji’s choices is fine. Making it sound like he “revealed” something to CP0 to belittle him is bullshit.
But he did reveal Robin's location. Didn't you read whst Jinbei said?
When the character was belittled by inverse characters for that decision....
Questioning Sanji’s choices is fine. Making it sound like he “revealed” something to CP0 to belittle him is bullshit.
If its true or debatable then its not belittling him. Sanji revealed her exact location to the cp0, People can discuss and debunk it of its not true. But thats the first reaction of many people after reading the chapter. Or at least thats my opinion i might be wrong.
If its true or debatable then its not belittling him. Sanji revealed her exact location to the cp0, People can discuss and debunk it of its not true. But thats the first reaction of many people after reading the chapter. Or at least thats my opinion i might be wrong.
Fam I don’t think that matters when all the SHs are there on a relatively small island, but each to their own
Loool he never mentioned the location whatsoever, he just concluded that she must be wanted by everyone. And he’s wondering why Sanji did it, but he doesn’t know the Straw Hats yet so that’s why
What? He mentioned where he was captured and asked Robin to come is that not revealing location?
Jinbei questioned Sanji's decision and based that on the fact that "the whole world wants her"
Him not knowing the Strawhats yet is irrelevant to the fact that he questioned the decision just like this thread is doing.