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So you're saying you think TAC is sus btw?
His post about Blackbeard is weird AF, like there’s a ton of questions I can ask but why BB out of the possible 3rds ? nobody even mentioned BB befor that
Aaaand ai don’t know how he plays as mafia I only played once with him in weebs where I was mafia and I wasn’t scum hunting like a town
To sum up he is too engaged to be mafia, but doesn’t look town he is bluffing a lot but hee seems careless
I say 3rd, or maaaaaybe some town with a strong role, not mafia


I will never forgive Oda
His post about Blackbeard is weird AF, like there’s a ton of questions I can ask but why BB out of the possible 3rds ? nobody even mentioned BB befor that
Aaaand ai don’t know how he plays as mafia I only played once with him in weebs where I was mafia and I wasn’t scum hunting like a town
To sum up he is too engaged to be mafia, but doesn’t look town he is bluffing a lot but hee seems careless
I say 3rd, or maaaaaybe some town with a strong role, not mafia
Cause Blackbeard is a third party in the Marineford arc. If we have indies it’s probably him


Certified Memelord
Already town reading FB off of his posts that are trying to get people to claim and fishing for info? He hasn't been pushing anyone so far by the way and we're 10 pages in. Surely you saw how he plays as a townie the last few games right? He tunnels players pretty hard.

So i don't get your town lean on him rn.
the town read is based off him actually trying to move the game forward.
he said clearly that he wants to change his tunneling playstyle, so idk how much can we hold him accountable for that rn
but him thinking me mirroring his speculation and then trying to suspect me off that is pretty genuine to me. i personally liked that post of his and he gets the town for it rn.

it doesnt make sense for scum beta to do that. instead he would preferer to keep speculating and flood the game with speculations or even false ones.

It seems to me like you backtracked from JDB as soon he lashed out.
nah JDB already has 1 red flag, im not backtracking off this for the rest of the game
if he accumulated more red flags its gna start warrantying a lynch on him
for now he has more than enough chances to prove he is town and move the game forward

The most sus people so far for me are these two:



When light made that Joke about me.

Flower immediately wrote it off as me playing this way now, without knowing it was a joke.

Also this.

I just don't like it, i know she's joking around and fluffing but neverthless its a bit too trusting for my tastes.
thats interesting. i actually town read flower this game cuz i dont sense hesitation from her like her usual scum self. for instance she is ready to duke it out and vote me. scum flower usually tends to avoid me in thread and kill me n1 or 2. shes also uncertain about player's allignments from what i've seen so far and honestly seems more "uninformed" than last game.

it feels like TAC already soft claimed kuma so idk how to scum read that lol. maybe fake claim but who knows now.

i'll keep ur reads in mind for now. what about town reads?
the town read is based off him actually trying to move the game forward.
he said clearly that he wants to change his tunneling playstyle, so idk how much can we hold him accountable for that rn
but him thinking me mirroring his speculation and then trying to suspect me off that is pretty genuine to me. i personally liked that post of his and he gets the town for it rn.

it doesnt make sense for scum beta to do that. instead he would preferer to keep speculating and flood the game with speculations or even false ones.

nah JDB already has 1 red flag, im not backtracking off this for the rest of the game
if he accumulated more red flags its gna start warrantying a lynch on him
for now he has more than enough chances to prove he is town and move the game forward

thats interesting. i actually town read flower this game cuz i dont sense hesitation from her like her usual scum self. for instance she is ready to duke it out and vote me. scum flower usually tends to avoid me in thread and kill me n1 or 2. shes also uncertain about player's allignments from what i've seen so far and honestly seems more "uninformed" than last game.

it feels like TAC already soft claimed kuma so idk how to scum read that lol. maybe fake claim but who knows now.

i'll keep ur reads in mind for now. what about town reads?
Bruh, I‘m calling people Town left and right. You don‘t find that weird?


Certified Memelord
No need to respond. Him ignoring my thoughts about his post might be just a confirmation that he indeed knows much more than a townie should.
ok now im rly interested to find out what i missed lol

I’m kinda curious to know how me speculating on how many townies/scum/indies there could be is grounds for suspicion, but outright implying insider knowledge on how scum could kill makes him look squeaky clean. I know he wants to be town leader, but he’s talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Who’s hunting indies?? You’re making the mistake of (or intentionally) pretending like I’m suddenly the most gung-ho motherfucker about third parties - which we kinda need to figure out as a sheer course of gameplay - or that I’m trying to smoke a hostile out. These are all your words and theories, not mine. From what I’ve noticed, when you in particular speculate about something and play it out to the nth degree, that overthinking leads you to the wrong conclusion in most cases. If I have to tell you that hunting mafia is my first priority because you think I’m dead set on hunting indies, then I can say with absolute certainty that things are just as I described above.
you urself said that u r indie hunting. ur speculation is heavily based on indie existence. u just did not give me the vibe that u care THAT much about the mafia until u were called out for it.

again i told u this doesnt warrant a lynch on u right away, but instead places a permanent red flag. you being over defensive about it does not help either. nobody in the thread even cared about a hostile existing or not but u seem to really wanna entertain that idea lol.

eithway moving on, what r ur current town reads rn?
thats interesting. i actually town read flower this game cuz i dont sense hesitation from her like her usual scum self. for instance she is ready to duke it out and vote me. scum flower usually tends to avoid me in thread and kill me n1 or 2. shes also uncertain about player's allignments from what i've seen so far and honestly seems more "uninformed" than last game.
No she doesn't, last game she was scum and was pushing for you and fighting you D1.

Also she town read a few people already. So idk where this uncertainty comes from, unless i missed it. Can you provide me some quotes?

i'll keep ur reads in mind for now. what about town reads?

rest im neutral on.

Well Except You, Flowa,TAC who i think are being sus.
ok now im rly interested to find out what i missed lol
thats how i would design the game if its up to me
akainu burns target completely thus janitor or super killing him

aokiji freezes the target when killing them, thus roleblocking the target right as the killshot is send

kizaru is too fast and his kills cannot be tracker or watched

i like the way these hosts r thinking just from my role PM, so i would like to think they thought of one of those 3 possibilities at least ^
You already answered her lmao, why are you so confused rn?

Last time you were this way was in the scum game, in which you would say stuff then forget you did. And you were fucking Femto.
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