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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
she still can punch him out of transformation, same as garp.
at least.
Marco's healing is manual, not automatic. The more flames active, the faster the healing so he deactivates his zoan form to preserve some healing. Oda said his healing is finite so Marco has to be conservative with it when running low.

King "knocked Marco out his transformation" last chapter but he's healed again. It just takes a while to make Marco use up his healing and if you're pressed for time, it's best to leave.


Lead them to paradise.
she needed souls not time.
if she cant deliver at least the same punches as garp, i don't know why people call her a yonko.
Do you know what spare means. She didn’t say that she didn’t have the souls to deal with him. I assume that she can deal with him faster by using her souls but she didn’t want to because she had places to go.

Bro she choked him easily.
This chapter hits Carrot fanboys hard

"Carrot will shine in Wano arc"
"Don't worry, Wano arc is long. Oda will focus more on her during the Wano arc"
"Carrot will defeat Perospero solo and avenge Pedro"

Act 1 and act 2: remains a background character
Act 3: went sulong, not solo but with Wanda, and still got offpanelled

In comparison to Yamato, Yamato's interaction with Momo kept being shown every week although nothing much happened, like the progression of Straw Hats vs Flying 6 which still kept being shown every week.
Carrot, once she meets Perospero, is never bothered to be shown again. Once she is finally shown again, she is already defeated lol

Round 2 probably not happening anyway. Because Peros already shifts his attention to Marco.
:seriously:To us carrot fans, this pain is nothing to what sanji fans had yesterday...
Do you know what spare means. She didn’t say that she didn’t have the souls to deal with him. I assume that she can deal with him faster by using her souls but she didn’t want to because she had places to go.

Bro she choked him easily.
that's what i said first, she low diffed him, he was completely stuck if not for wanda and carrot he would've been shot dead.
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