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World's Strongest Swordsman
Red Rock = shadows of Roger, Whitebeard, Rocks, Shanks, Oden
Tatsumaki = ohh, a strange Haki coming from that Oden's sword

"BuT i HaVe No ArguMentssss"
what does that have to do with damage done ?
kaido was thinking about luffys growth from kuri
not just red roc
and how strong luffy would be in the future

doesnt change the fact that it did less damage


World's Strongest Swordsman
G4 Gattling put Kaido down for several panels. But in your big brain headcanon that did no persisting internal damage.
Kaido instantly recovered from Tatsumaki, it's purpose was to make Kaido spit up (Luffy).
stop lying
we see kaido panels after he got up and he wasnt bleeding like that
if it was just luffys attack it would be there then not just when zoro attacked
and the comparison was with red roc not gatling
He was smooth talking vivi into sleeping with him
He was a smooth talker
Hahaha... What? When did this happen?

wasn’t Sanji completely simping like an idiot in just Whiskey peak? Remember Luffy passed out from food, Usopp got tired from lying to everyone that he was cool, Nami pretended to pass out from drinking and Sanji he passed out from being too horny

This is the smooth talker you are talking about?

okay, Wouldn’t you count the Viola and Pudding stuff then? Does that count?

Hehehe,.. I mean I for one don’t he was a “smooth talker” but if you think so then the viola and Pudding are examples right?


Zoro Worshipper
They where unique because of having zoan+Cp ability skills as Soru and other skills.
That make these battles very unique, I hope Oda not just show Zoan but also unique power skills for the flyers calamity, seeing Ulti and co whoo have special skills my hopes are high.
Indeed. I haven't found anything truly similar that wise since then. We had another master of Rokushiki, Vergo, but he was no Zoan. Hope to see Lucci and Kaku in action again as soon as possible.
stop lying
we see kaido panels after he got up and he wasnt bleeding like that
if it was just luffys attack it would be there then not just when zoro attacked
and the comparison was with red roc not gatling
Luffy put Kaido down for several PAGES. Tatsumaki was recovered and counter attacked instantly.

Mr Big brain who thought Zoro's haki tendrils were coming off his sword here, thinks that G4 gattling did no internal damage to Kaido.

Any attack after G4 gattling is benefiting from the damage Luffy did, it's why Kaido is so desperate to take down Luffy that he is going hybrid to beat out the clock before he is battle ready again.
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