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Talent is something you make bloom.
Being smug doesn't mean they are similar... He just wanted to maintain an "aura" of intimidation around the espada by making them so serious... however, he was playing with characters who were belowthe espada.... because let's face reality... being smug and serious works to keep your intimidating factor....

The moment you start creating different quirk, the person loses lots of their intimidation... Bleach in particular is a much darker series than One Piece or Naruto in that the author loves the aesthetics and what is considered "cool" like skulls...etc... which is why Ichigo has a hollow mask and he looks scary instead of having a weird design like Gear 4th

Gear 4th for example, I'm not sure if you were around the community when it was first revealed on Dressrosa... but the design took a LOOOOOT of hate from fans.... the design grew on fans later on... but people shitted on the design, hated it... and EVEN NOW, you can see that in the fan art, but seeing people change his from from boundman and making his waist look more muscular cause it looks cooler

It just works,
similarly, Kubo knows having smug arrogant enemy works... he's a smart mangaka... Pica on other hand, sure we laughed, but what good did it do to Pica later on? people took him as a joke despite being strong monster

It's not that Kubo doesn't know how to draw different quirks, he just PREFERS not to use them, cause they get hate by fans

It's why Apoo or Capone are less popular than most supernova too... it's a FACT
I find the Gear 4 design really shitty.
But I also think it matches the aesthetic from Oda's work. :kayneshrug:
About Bleach....I don't want to go too much into it, especially considering I dropped the series in the middle of the battle against the Espadas. I simply found it completely uninspired. I never really liked Kubo's drawings, his environments always looked extremely plain.
I only have good memories from the Soul Society arc. After that, I don't know. Meh.
Same with Naruto. I dropped it I don't even know when. pretty sure was at the beginning of Sasuke forming that little group of extras of his. Did it happen before or after Shikamaru fighting the immortal dude? Because I also remember that. Aside from it, meh. Dropped and have 0 interest in picking it back up.
It's not like I only care about these extremely complex plots or whatever, I love Saint Seya Lost Canvas, and Saint Seya is an extremely simple manga only about battles. :P
But those two....I don't know. They lost their "touch" for me. :kayneshrug:
My top favorite manga/anime would be something like
One Piece>>FMA Brotherhood>>Slam Dunk>>Death Note>>Hajime no Ippo.
But at least Naruto and Bleach hold a special place in my heart. They were my first and second Subbed Animes. :sweat:
I find the Gear 4 design really shitty.
But I also think it matches the aesthetic from Oda's work. :kayneshrug:
About Bleach....I don't want to go too much into it, especially considering I dropped the series in the middle of the battle against the Espadas. I simply found it completely uninspired. I never really liked Kubo's drawings, his environments always looked extremely plain.
I only have good memories from the Soul Society arc. After that, I don't know. Meh.
Same with Naruto. I dropped it I don't even know when. pretty sure was at the beginning of Sasuke forming that little group of extras of his. Did it happen before or after Shikamaru fighting the immortal dude? Because I also remember that. Aside from it, meh. Dropped and have 0 interest in picking it back up.
It's not like I only care about these extremely complex plots or whatever, I love Saint Seya Lost Canvas, and Saint Seya is an extremely simple manga only about battles. :P
But those two....I don't know. They lost their "touch" for me. :kayneshrug:
My top favorite manga/anime would be something like
One Piece>>FMA Brotherhood>>Slam Dunk>>Death Note>>Hajime no Ippo.
But at least Naruto and Bleach hold a special place in my heart. They were my first and second Subbed Animes. :sweat:
It's okay, we got different taste...
I'm not a fan of FMA Brotherhood LOL, never liked it... so yeah.. sometimes things happen to make us not care about a show
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