General & Others Unpopular Opinions?



idk vista stopped mihawk
Mihawk doesnt have FS too nor logia like fruit nor awakening nor did Mihawk show Snakeman attack speed (*his slashes were being dodged and reacted by pre ts luffy, Buggy )
What will vista slashes do?

Vista gets low diff by katakuri... he can keep his mustache
Katakuri's problem is that he's over hyped. He also cut himself from his family because uwu I don't wanna have them be hurt cause I'm a monster. When he's really not and he has at best a close work relationship with his siblings.
Marco definitely defeats him 1v1 and he himself is nothing to Akainu.

Akainu can one shot WCI Luffy basically.

Current Luffy might push an admiral to mid diff and Saka to low-mid diff


big mom pirates are failures
Kata > falls on his own will... CoC
Undefeated, Luffy respects

Marco > gets obligated by pre yonki Teach and quits piracy
A real failure Cant even keep the crew and territories
Best feat : Doing same thing as Apoo/Pre ts luffy did to admirals: zero damage

King? Bm sees Him as a mere collection not even power wise
There weren't enough interesting fights during MF war with the warlords not doing much, most of the WBP Commanders fighting only fodders or having only short clashes against strong opponents and the VAs and pirate captains being underused as well.
That's true admirals should have fought more