Questions & Mysteries Mihawk is WSS instead of Shanks because he already was WSS before he faced Shanks



Vivre cards confirms mihawk became wss before the great era of pirates and had it easy. As in back when shank was still a kid and far from his yonkou level he only got 6 years ago and before his duels with shanks, and since shanks didn't beat mihawk he didn't get the title, they only had duels with no victor mentioned.

and since mihawk refused to fight 1 arm shanks, that is what made mihawk keep he wss title and not get defeated by shanks, he refused to fight shanks back when he became yonkou level.


You can't win
Vivre cards confirms mihawk became wss before the great era of pirates and had it easy.
Not that i value databook all that much now, but no it doesn't. All what it says is he was famous even before the great age of piracy. It's never mentioned there when he became WSS

Besides, we actually did see young Mihawk right before the start of the great age of piracy(during Roger's execution) in the manga and he didn't have yoru at that point, only his dinner knife

So unless you think he became WSS without yoru and grew stronger after that, and gaining yoru on the way, it doesn't make sense

The only thing which could be implied from young yoru back then is that he was likely already a renowned skilled swordsman considering he already had his dinner knife, which implied he already had the policy of only using the minimal power necessary against opponents he doesn't think to be worth his time, maybe until meeting Shanks

But he was certainly not even close to his prime at that point. When he actually became WSS is still unclear
Vivre cards confirms mihawk became wss before the great era of pirates and had it easy. As in back when shank was still a kid and far from his yonkou level he only got 6 years ago and before his duels with shanks, and since shanks didn't beat mihawk he didn't get the title, they only had duels with no victor mentioned.

and since mihawk refused to fight 1 arm shanks, that is what made mihawk keep he wss title and not get defeated by shanks, he refused to fight shanks back when he became yonkou level.
he was famous before great era of pirates not wss
the yoru vs yonko weapon thread hasnt done enough to show you fact checking matters.
Vivre cards confirms mihawk became wss before the great era of pirates and had it easy. As in back when shank was still a kid and far from his yonkou level he only got 6 years ago and before his duels with shanks, and since shanks didn't beat mihawk he didn't get the title, they only had duels with no victor mentioned.

and since mihawk refused to fight 1 arm shanks, that is what made mihawk keep he wss title and not get defeated by shanks, he refused to fight shanks back when he became yonkou level.
Bold part, be it anything whether Mihawk was already WSS or not, matters not.

Since Zoro will take down Mihawk to become WSS and given Zoro imp to this series and it being his final goal, in Oda's book Mihawk is strongest when it comes to sword duels in the World. If he had fought Shanks or not, he would have won regardless, and draw at worst.

Zoro will achieve his dream and that is only possible, if this is true hence it has to be.


Bold part, be it anything whether Mihawk was already WSS or not, matters not.

Since Zoro will take down Mihawk to become WSS and given Zoro imp to this series and it being his final goal, in Oda's book Mihawk is strongest when it comes to sword duels in the World. If he had fought Shanks or not, he would have won regardless, and draw at worst.

Zoro will achieve his dream and that is only possible, if this is true hence it has to be.
sword duel are influenced by haki and other factors. and so far shanks is portrayed as some haki god, so no, mihawk can't beat him even if he would know how to wield sword better, it will never be just a sword duel.

mihawk will lose his title because he never deserved it since he never fought top swordmen of his generation like vista, bm with sword, shanks with 1 arm to get his title.

unlike mihawk, zoro could get ot fight all top swordmen of his generation and beat them on top of mihawk himself and show why he is the real wss. same way luffy will achieve thing roger failed to, even if both will be pk.
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He never beat any decent swordman anyway
Stop minding those infos

The dude has no legit W againts a renown fighter (even veteran tier )
WSS or not who cares
Vivre cards confirms mihawk became wss before the great era of pirates and had it easy. As in back when shank was still a kid and far from his yonkou level he only got 6 years ago and before his duels with shanks, and since shanks didn't beat mihawk he didn't get the title, they only had duels with no victor mentioned.

and since mihawk refused to fight 1 arm shanks, that is what made mihawk keep he wss title and not get defeated by shanks, he refused to fight shanks back when he became yonkou level.
:kriwhat: cant wait when he is beaten by a VA or Shiryu
You will hear "shiryu is Yonko level
Shiryu cheated
VA is admiral level
That would be acceptable

If a Vice-Admiral beats Mihawk in a legitimate 1v1, that Vice Admiral will be admiral/Yonko level.
If Shiryuu beats Mihawk in a legitimate 1v1, Shiryuu will be admiral/yonko level.

Mihawk is already 100% confirmed on par with the Yonko & Admirals. Any denial is simply going against the confirmation of him being somebody who stands at the top of the OP world along with the Admirals & Yonko. At this point this just serves as a cute discussion where fans can go back and forth in.

What wouldn't be acceptable to say is:
- that Mihawk isn't Yonko level because he lost to Shiryuu, when you had no idea how strong Shiryuu was.
- that Mihawk isn't admiral level because he lost to a Vice Admiral, when you had no idea how strong the Vice-Admiral was (now if it's a vice-admiral we've seen proven to be a scrub like Maynard and such, sure Mihawk won't be admiral level.. but he'd never lose to somebody that isn't admiral or yonko level).


Zoro Worshipper
Mihawk is WSS the moment he joined Shichibukai.
He is not WSS anymore the moment Shichibukai got disbanded.
Makes no sense in that Shanks achieved nothing of relevant during the TS that we know about. The gap between the Grandgrandmaster and the Red Hair is unchanged from our knowledge, if Mihawk was WSS on MF he most likely still is.
The way I see it Shanks and Mihawk were the most gifted Sword rookies at the start of the great pirate era. Ray was retired, Roger dead and Oden holed up in Wano and later died too. Shanks then lost his arm sometime later so Mihawk got the title by default. It's only natural when you have two equal people and then one of them gets a huge injury then the one still fit will be perceived as the strongest by default.

I don't think the VC intro for Mihawk really changes anything. Like Zoro was known in most parts of the world at the beginning of the Manga. So much that a shichibukai who operates in the grand line sent out agents to recruit him. Doesn't mean he was super strong though (by current standards that is).