Questions & Mysteries Mihawk is WSS instead of Shanks because he already was WSS before he faced Shanks


Zoro Worshipper
The thing with being the strongest is that you don't have to prove yourself over and over again. The others below you need to do that and if noone challenged him it's either because they're not strong enough or don't care about the title.
Either way Mihawk is the only WSS until he is defeated.
Exactly he already proved himself enough it's time for the new gen to take over


Zoro Worshipper
Kinda boring that Zoro is the only one who gives a shit about having that title though honestly.
I think it's a positive note since it's what it pushed him to become stronger and stronger through the story, he wouldn't be so strong right now if he hadn't have that motivational state.
I think it's a positive note since it's what it pushed him to become stronger and stronger through the story, he wouldn't be so strong right now if he hadn't have that motivational state.
I mean yeah, but would be more interesting if there were atleast a few swordsmen with an interest in the same dream. Having to prove himself against other notorious swordsman before reaching the strongest would be more interesting for his story imo. For the most part he's beaten nobodies up till this point, King would be the first somebody he would have defeated if they really do cross blades lol


???????? Mihawk was 19 when Roger was executed. How the f was he WSS before that?

Shanks becoming a Yonko means jack shit. It's a simple formality. Oda has confirmed it that Yonko don't fight each other directly. WB/Shanks BM/Kaido hadn't seen each other for decades.
:kayneshrug: Bm and kaido never saw each other
But no where BM and WB never saw each other
No where it is stated BN and shanks

Shanks clashed with kaido 2 years ago
He was just 4 years into his Yonko status

Just accept your L for thinking Mihawk has fought Yonko shanks
Or beaten him even.
I remember your posts clearly
Post automatically merged:

Who did Mihawk fight
Who did he beat

As long as he never beat/dominated any high tier
His title is a fluke
:kayneshrug: Bm and kaido never saw each other
But no where BM and WB never saw each other
No where it is stated BN and shanks
It was clearly stated when Law told Luffy the Yonko engaged Whitebeard in "territorial battles". The Yonko engage in "territorial battles", and don't fight directly.

Shanks became a Top Tier thanks to Mihawk, and not because he might have encountered Cracker or Queen.


It was clearly stated when Law told Luffy the Yonko engaged Whitebeard in "territorial battles". The Yonko engage in "territorial battles", and don't fight directly.

Shanks became a Top Tier thanks to Mihawk, and not because he might have encountered Cracker or Queen.
:seriously:So shanks became top tier thanks to Mihawk... okay after " Mihawk has beaten Yonko shanks" silly comment
Now you say It is because Mihawk shanks is top tier...
Yet Shanks was never even Yonko candidate.
Until he stopped fighting Mihawk then took him 6 years to become Yonko.

You just quoted about Yonko battling WB for territories

Now Where is it stated BM/Shanks never met nor fought?

Kaido/Shanks we know already they met 2 years ago.
:seriously:So shanks became top tier thanks to Mihawk... okay after " Mihawk has beaten Yonko shanks" silly comment
Now you say It is because Mihawk shanks is top tier...
Yet Shanks was never even Yonko candidate.
Until he stopped fighting Mihawk then took him 6 years to become Yonko.

You just quoted about Yonko battling WB for territories

Now Where is it stated BM/Shanks never met nor fought?

Kaido/Shanks we know already they met 2 years ago.
Dude what the fuck are you talking about? Shanks was already a heavyweight 13 years ago. Whitebeard said people were "shocked" when he lost an arm.

To become a Yonko you need power, armies, territory, a large crew. Shanks needed those too to become a Yonko. It's not just about strength.



Zoro Worshipper
:seriously:So shanks became top tier thanks to Mihawk... okay after " Mihawk has beaten Yonko shanks" silly comment
Now you say It is because Mihawk shanks is top tier...
Yet Shanks was never even Yonko candidate.
Until he stopped fighting Mihawk then took him 6 years to become Yonko.

You just quoted about Yonko battling WB for territories

Now Where is it stated BM/Shanks never met nor fought?

Kaido/Shanks we know already they met 2 years ago.
The fact they stopped fighting is irrelevant.
noodle noodle. you have a disability to think logically.

ignoring most of the nonsense you call a conclusion.
why do you assume that shanks became stronger after the duels with mihawk have ended, but do not believe the same to be true for mihawk? unlike with shanks challengers come to mihawk directly. he should have gotten way more training. no?
shanks was already a yonko when mihawk called him an inferior opponent infront of his crew.

let me call you out on your bullshit so you can finally stop.
you want to remote downplay zoro. thats all there is too it, is it not?

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
ever heard anyone say I am going to be the world strongest man
:pepeke:or world strongest creature?
are these titles mid too?. if people are going to apply this logic to mihawk's title they should keep the same energy
how many marines want to be an admiral like coby?
When was the last time someone said their dream was to be one of the Yonko for that matter? :memehm: