Questions & Mysteries Mihawk is WSS instead of Shanks because he already was WSS before he faced Shanks



i will give you a reality check.

mihawk is wss because he is the strongest swordsman in the world.
weird, I know. had me confused aswell.
more like swordpiece check
that mere warlord hiding under wg protection above someone that is yonkou? good joke


shichbukai are there to scare other pirates.
a yk lvl shichibukai sound scary enough to me.

how is he yonkou level lol. if crocodile or lucci used to be on par with luffy 2 years ago then they are pirate king level because luffy will become pk? shanks only became yonkou level 6 years ago, shanks and mihawk had their duels more then 12 years ago.
how is he yonkou level lol. if crocodile or lucci used to be on par with luffy 2 years ago then they are pirate king level because luffy will become pk? shanks only became yonkou level 6 years ago, shanks and mihawk had their duels more then 12 years ago.
cause even after shanks aquired his title mihawk still, canonically, retained his title.
by the time mihawk was introduced as wss shanks already was a yonko.


cause even after shanks aquired his title mihawk still, canonically, retained his title.
by the time mihawk was introduced as wss shanks already was a yonko.

that is because you have to fight the title holder to get his title, only if mihawk retires someone could get his title without fighting him to get it. just like it is in sports. but mihawk refused to fight shanks that is why he didn't lose the title.


I am curious is zoro only guy who was ballsy enough to challenge mihawk?

Vista and other swordsman hardly bothered or they gave up knowing mihawk was invinsible.

I hope there is more to WSS , hope it isnt some dream zoro wished for. Pretty sure i have not seen other swordsmen aiming to be WSS.


That would be acceptable

If a Vice-Admiral beats Mihawk in a legitimate 1v1, that Vice Admiral will be admiral/Yonko level.
If Shiryuu beats Mihawk in a legitimate 1v1, Shiryuu will be admiral/yonko level.

Mihawk is already 100% confirmed on par with the Yonko & Admirals. Any denial is simply going against the confirmation of him being somebody who stands at the top of the OP world along with the Admirals & Yonko. At this point this just serves as a cute discussion where fans can go back and forth in.

What wouldn't be acceptable to say is:
- that Mihawk isn't Yonko level because he lost to Shiryuu, when you had no idea how strong Shiryuu was.
- that Mihawk isn't admiral level because he lost to a Vice Admiral, when you had no idea how strong the Vice-Admiral was (now if it's a vice-admiral we've seen proven to be a scrub like Maynard and such, sure Mihawk won't be admiral level.. but he'd never lose to somebody that isn't admiral or yonko level).
Mihawk was never Yonko level
He is admiral level at best if I'm being generous


The way I see it Shanks and Mihawk were the most gifted Sword rookies at the start of the great pirate era. Ray was retired, Roger dead and Oden holed up in Wano and later died too. Shanks then lost his arm sometime later so Mihawk got the title by default. It's only natural when you have two equal people and then one of them gets a huge injury then the one still fit will be perceived as the strongest by default.

I don't think the VC intro for Mihawk really changes anything. Like Zoro was known in most parts of the world at the beginning of the Manga. So much that a shichibukai who operates in the grand line sent out agents to recruit him. Doesn't mean he was super strong though (by current standards that is).
In pure sword skill no one can beat mihawk.

If shanks turned his griffin into black blade thats another matter.


Zoro Worshipper
I am curious is zoro only guy who was ballsy enough to challenge mihawk?

Vista and other swordsman hardly bothered or they gave up knowing mihawk was invinsible.

I hope there is more to WSS , hope it isnt some dream zoro wished for. Pretty sure i have not seen other swordsmen aiming to be WSS.
Oda knows his stuff hehe.