Questions & Mysteries Mihawk is WSS instead of Shanks because he already was WSS before he faced Shanks

its quite simple whether they care about the title or not zoro would see every great swordsman as a potential rival to what he wants to achieve. daz bones flat out refused to be classified as one. I dont think zoro cared whether he was one or not. he simply saw him as something he needs to surpass. luffy isnt going through the yonko because every single one is trying to be pk tho bm has voiced her reasons. he goes through them because he sees them as obstacles regardless of how they feel about the title. the same way he talked down to wb even tho wb could give two shits about the title and was equal to roger at his prime. at the end of the day, the titles arent given because you want it,it usually termed by the world around you after an accomplishment of yours. whether you want the title or not is really not up to you.


noodle noodle. you have a disability to think logically.

ignoring most of the nonsense you call a conclusion.
why do you assume that shanks became stronger after the duels with mihawk have ended, but do not believe the same to be true for mihawk? unlike with shanks challengers come to mihawk directly. he should have gotten way more training. no?
shanks was already a yonko when mihawk called him an inferior opponent infront of his crew.

let me call you out on your bullshit so you can finally stop.
you want to remote downplay zoro. thats all there is too it, is it not?
Mihawk running away from challenge by Shanks is just like how luffy treated Fuji " you are blind so I'll play safe " we know how it ended for luffy

Which challenger went to Mihawk directly?
What training
Can you cite which challenger went after Mihawk for wss title or duel?
Also from Shanks and Mihawk dialogue it seems like it was Mihawk who used to come for a duel, the one who always made the challenge.

Call yourself out for your Mihawk wanking
Just like fanboys claimed Mjhawk fought and beat Yonko Shanks
Same way your claims about Mihawk will keep be proven wrong

He isn't there with Yonko and FA.
He is at best with Admirals (lower ones like fuji)
can you name 1 person that fought shanks? confirmed fight?

mihawk did not fight shanks because shanks was not part of the deal.
mihawk wanted to measure himself against the wsm and not a washed up cripple.

I tried to explain this to you on multiple occassions, but every time you could not understand it.
only because we, as readers, do not know of every single fight (mihawk or shanks or whoever) does not mean there are not any.
oddly enough you understood this just fine regarding kidd.
maybe because you did not want to pointlessly downplay kidd.
can you name 1 person that fought shanks? confirmed fight?

mihawk did not fight shanks because shanks was not part of the deal.
mihawk wanted to measure himself against the wsm and not a washed up cripple.

I tried to explain this to you on multiple occassions, but every time you could not understand it.
only because we, as readers, do not know of every single fight (mihawk or shanks or whoever) does not mean there are not any.
oddly enough you understood this just fine regarding kidd.
maybe because you did not want to pointlessly downplay kidd.
oddly enough when shanks tells wb of all the battles he has the one notable person he names aside from bb is mihawk. the disrespect is real.
all these titles are shitty init
since no one gives a flying f*** about any of them
all people want is the pk title
lets keep it a buck
does not matter if people want mihawks title or not as the title itself puts mihawk into relation with every possible opponent.
mihawk is canonically the strongest swordman there is.

oda introduced mihawk as the benchmark so you better believe he is.
does not matter if people want mihawks title or not as the title itself puts mihawk into relation with every possible opponent.
mihawk is canonically the strongest swordman there is.

oda introduced mihawk as the benchmark so you better believe he is.
pretty much what I am driving here because people seem to place less value on it because no one but zoro cares. I am beginning to inquire about other titles that no one seems to care about. are they worthless too?
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kaido's rival for WSC was lord of the coast
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Zoro Worshipper
ever heard anyone say I am going to be the world strongest man
:pepeke:or world strongest creature?
are these titles mid too?. if people are going to apply this logic to mihawk's title they should keep the same energy
how many marines want to be an admiral like coby?
We perfectly know what a swordsman is thought but not what a creature stands for in Oda's mind
We perfectly know what a swordsman is thought but not what a creature stands for in Oda's mind
I am more inclined to think kaido is titled that precisely because he is not human. big mom implied the same. wb bounty being higher still doesnt seem to show kaido has surpassed him either so I dont think kaido's title is above his tho logically it should. its like you said tho, still unclear.


Zoro Worshipper
I am more inclined to think kaido is titled that precisely because he is not human. big mom implied the same. wb bounty being higher still doesnt seem to show kaido has surpassed him either so I dont think kaido's title is above his tho logically it should. its like you said tho, still unclear.
Kaido is a monster anyway definitely not the weakest yonko
Mihawk running away from challenge by Shanks
stop lying about shit that never happened.
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Mihawk running away from challenge by Shanks is just like how luffy treated Fuji " you are blind so I'll play safe " we know how it ended for luffy

Which challenger went to Mihawk directly?
What training
Can you cite which challenger went after Mihawk for wss title or duel?
Also from Shanks and Mihawk dialogue it seems like it was Mihawk who used to come for a duel, the one who always made the challenge.

Call yourself out for your Mihawk wanking
Just like fanboys claimed Mjhawk fought and beat Yonko Shanks
Same way your claims about Mihawk will keep be proven wrong

He isn't there with Yonko and FA.
He is at best with Admirals (lower ones like fuji)
we not knowing about challengers or past opponents cannot be used to logically conclude there arent any or there are only weak ones.

i thought @trav explained this to you already.