Who is this "Oden"?

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It would be kinda cheap if Hiyori tricks her own friends with showing Oden himself. Also the Scabbard don't need to get cheer up they already want to fight again. The case is more that it could be Kanjuro. But again a fake Oden plot with we already had with Yamato. I hope Toki and Oden are really here for the war. We didn't see anything about Toki,in that case it would be cool if these are here. Also Oden vs Kaido was to rushed,end to fast. We deserve a better fight with Oden vs Kaido...
Yeah and Kanjuro even used a fake Oden against the Scabbards to reuse this again would be way too cheap.
Queen is a dumbass. It took Kaido 33+ years to get 20K "Elite" soldiers and now Queen is calling them worthless.
Well to be honest it's not like they were gifters. They are worthless foot soldiers with zero ability to him. They can be easily replaced because they are a failed experiment.
Gifters are much more respected and well treated. We saw how Queen respected and favored gifters like Babanuki.
Chopper had his whole body cooked from a Gear 3 one shot.

Chopper cried when faced by the worm Peros

Chopper... solves a plague that terrifies Supernova, then takes the initiative in sparking a Calamity, the only SH to do so since Jack was introduced.

Oh and there's a special guest at the end
Marco was holding Queen and Chopper is Zoro little brother. Ofcourse he doing this.
that Oda has made Kaido worse because he doesn't want to kill anything
Yeah that sounds like Oda alright, i'm of the opinion that Oden has overstayed his welcome in the Wano story and i thought the flashback would be the end of it. Guess not.

Now we'll just have to see if Oda can make bringing Oden back worth it since i wasn't really a big fan of his character and his death didn't make me shed any tears either.

Hopefully his return (if real), oden can redeem himself, or else i'd just consider it a waste of space.
i really don’t know why people think someone on the roof of dying. It’s obviously gonna be someone else like Marco. The 5 on the roof can’t die because they are the new generation.

People need to stop with this nonsense it’s just getting annoying. Law kidd and killer are not dying.
It'd be dramatic if Law dies though :josad:


so again, why didn't Queen put his armaments of haki to defend from chopper, is he a sucker for raccoons same way sanji is for women and didn't want to hurt chopper's hand.
i really don’t know why people think someone on the roof of dying. It’s obviously gonna be someone else like Marco. The 5 on the roof can’t die because they are the new generation.
Marco won't die because he's not fighting Kaido and Big Mom on the rooftop. Dying on the live floor has less impact. And who is going to kill him? King? Queen? It's not going to be impactful. Also, Luffy who happens to be the protagonist needs to witness/ see the tragedy.
The tragedy has to happen on the rooftop. The antagonist of the arc needs to be the main reason behind the tragedy and Luffy needs to see it.
Killer or Kid dying set in stone. Unless Oda wants something expected and cliche and kills Law.
I just want this fucking act to end. I am very much looking forward to seeing the Schibukais and BB in action ..
Lol, probably won't until all the matchups are set.

A few of us are guessing the chapter counts are on purpose and Oda has been carefully "pacing" what he's been trying trying do this arc. Currently Act 3 is exactly 50 chapters, so some people think hes going for double per Act and then back down. For example:

- Act 1: 15 Chapters
- Act 2: 30 Chapters
- Act 3: 60 Chapters (rest of the calamity setup; matches)
- Act 4: 30 Chapters (Bulk of the real battles)
- Act 5: 15 Chapters (Arc closing)

If looked at this way, it can potentially make sense since there are going to be a decent number of chapters before Sanji, Chopper and maybe Yamato get their potential matchups, plus updates and skirmishes on the rest.

Then think about a 30 chapter Act 4. If Oda dedicates 1-2 true chapters per Strawhat battle (as hes done always on the past ala Sanji vs Jabra, Chopper vs Kumadori, Zoro vs Mr 1/Kaku/Ryuuma, pretty much every fight that's not Luffys), that's between 10-20 chapters for those fights. This gives the Yonko fight potentially another 10-20 chapters (somewhere on the middle) on its own because that's normally what Oda does, give Luffy's (and likely Zoro's now, but we'll see) fights a much longer space of time. That's not to say we won't see the fight on the rooftop again for 30 chapters lol, just that the main portion of the fight won't occur truly until much later, once everyone else is defeated.

Just something to think about. If Act 3 ends in 10 chapters, then we know this is possible. If it ends sooner or longer, then anything is pretty much game.
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