You are Lil Al!!
[Passive - One Liner] - what's in the words? Lil AL doesn't like to speak much. As such, he can't say more than 60 words in any of his posts. Its violation will result in him being vote silenced.
[Passive - Stop Spam] - Whenever mafia players have fun in sign-up or general chat, LiL AL Pops up out of nowhere with "Stop Spamming". 😒😒 Thus he can't make any fluff post. If he ends up making a fluff post then he will be role blocked for the night.
[Active - Approved Host] - As an approved host, Al is well-versed in crafting balanced setups. He will not allow the game to have broken abilities. At night, he can target a player and learn the effect of one of their abilities. [1-Cycle Cooldown]
[Active - Mafia Coach] - Lil Al is a mafia coach, therefore, he has the authority to change game rules. Once in the game, he may push the day phase into an extra 12 hours. Must be submitted 6 hours before the day phase ends. [1-shot]
--- [Switch] - As a mod of worstgenmafia community he can edit anyone's posts as such during any phase, thus Lil Al may switch his position on the players-list to another player. Abilities targeting him will target the player he switched his place with or vice versa. [1-shot]
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town