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he can do that when dead?

well doent matter. sux we dont see the kinda buff luthon does
could've used it before his death

--- [Great Debate Training] - Hade must take care of his fellow club member to train them to defend Luffy in great debates. Once during the game, Hades may select one of the club members and upgrade their role at the discretion of the host. [1-shot]


Certified Memelord
well we could either follow flowers lead and lynch JDB today

or follow TACs lead and lynch tris today

in the meantime i expect us to also be open minded and pressure the others throughout the day. odd robin and tobi for starter

im iffy about nat and flower 2.0 but wont tunnel rn. too many ppl r unknown and we need to get them to light


Zoro Worshipper
Sup guys

Did anyone of you receive an invitation to take part to a bet tonight?

I did and the bet was "Tobi will visit you tonight" I refused to take part to it in that I don't know the source it could come from and it was formulated in an odd way. Why picking Tobi out of all people?

Does this look like a frame attempt to you guys?
Can anyone address this?
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