Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Disclaimer: This has taken inspiration from @Zoro D Goat post in the Lanji FC. Thank you for the idea.

This is my perspective of the Zoro Wank Hierarchy. If I didn’t add you I apologize. There’s too many Zoro fans. Please let me know and I’ll add you. Also I have not been around as long as some of these dinosaurs, so pardon me if I misplace you. Also, please don't take this too seriously. If the listings are close together, they hold same rank. If they are spaced a line apart, you're below/above the top/bottom row.

This is also based off what the collective understanding is.


Overseer ~ @Guan Yu
Highest Papal Authority [Church of Roronoa "Shimotsuki ~ Frost Moon" Zoro] ~ @Cinera

Pirate King ~ @HA001
Gorosei (5) ~ @ShishioIsBack @Light D Lamperouge @nik87 @Aknolagon @Fenaker
Fleet Admiral: @Buggy D Clown

Admirals (3) ~ @BossYimz @Cyrus the Cactus @Garp the Fist
Inspector Generals (2) ~ @NidaiKitetsu @T.D.A

Warlords (7): @Rivaille @Don DaSlayer @Seth @yj @Marimo_420 @stormylife @KiriNigiri

Doflamingo/Joker (1): @Blother
Impel Down Wardens (2): @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @Ice devil slayer
CP0 (5): @bennbeckman @Reddot4 @Amparezy @Mihawksenpai @Den_Den_Mushi
Sword (5): @Camie @mly90 @hedera__helix @Lone Laguna Espada @Jew D. Boy

Vice Admirals (5): @Reborn @Geo @Queen @Zowo @Sword God Ryuma

Rear Admirals (10): @MarimoHeado @Luffy bin Dragon @Orojackson Refugee @PizzaBread @LolonoisZolo @LadyVados @Rekien @Guymieux @Rukusho @zzShinichi
Associates/Alliance: @Natalija @Admiral Lee Hung @AdmiralKinyagi @Haoshoku @Gol D. Roger @playa4321 @Dragomir @vikas @TheKnightOfTheSea @Paperchampion23 @Fuckthis3 @The White Crane

Meme Lords: @Debanv @Gon’s Missing Arm @Finalbeta @Xdrake @Roronoa-sama
Commodores (6): @style @Krusher1357 @wereng99 @Zenos7 @ShadyOjiro @Cross_Marian

Captain (12): @Peroroncino @IceWitch @I'mTired @Enma @Sade @Monet @Grumpy Zoro @Mr. Bushido @executor partner @Extravlad @MarineHQ62 @solis

Navy Soldiers: @Sunita @Greenbeard @Zoro @Himura @Gensui Sazid @bblue @Tamerani @Yukihime @Foxy Bunny @zorojurou @zorojuro07 @RyumaZoro @Ryuma @yorosenpai @RZ.119 @Mikail @Dark Hound @kumae @Thabeast @imacub @HAJIKATA @Gauntlet @LuffyMazino @DKI @djnhsly

Informants/Apoo: @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yo Tan Wa
Coby Before Garp: @LuthonTheDragDown

@Guan Yu I’d appreciate it if you add this to the front page. Us Zoro fans should have better structural integrity than the Lanji FC.

Bruh, I spent way too much time on this...
pirate king should be cinera
ha001 is a loser who cant wank zoro for shit
fodder level