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There's no "Tina!"
So which one of Tris and I do you think would be the more informative flip? I’m not currently advocating for her to get the noose because I wanna trust her (especially after our destinies became inextricably linked), but clearly I’m in the minority.
We are lynching Tris because she gives us info on Odd, you, and Usopp. Odd saw a couple of actions target Usopp and the action that Tris said she targeted him with was not listed.

So either Tris is lying or Odd is lying. Or like Kvothe said, in the very unlikely scenario, Tris was role blocked and Odd is probably telling the truth. But I doubt that since Tris said that she didn't have any abilities in the previous day phase.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
We are lynching Tris because she gives us info on Odd, you, and Usopp. Odd saw a couple of actions target Usopp and the action that Tris said she targeted him with was not listed.

So either Tris is lying or Odd is lying. Or like Kvothe said, in the very unlikely scenario, Tris was role blocked and Odd is probably telling the truth. But I doubt that since Tris said that she didn't have any abilities in the previous day phase.
Aight, fair enough. I don’t really understand the stuff with Odd, but I’m still in the midst of a busy workday...I’ll try to fully catch up when I’m off in a few hours ;)
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