Who will Kaido fight?

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Formerly Seth

Nothing indicates that Law or Killer have done more damage to Kaido than him. And anyway I don’t believe Oda is going to make Kidd and his crew suffer at the hands of Kaido so much and have Kidd swear revenge on Kaido for him to just drop him for Big Mom. Even so far in this fight Kidd has completely ignored Big Mom. He wants Kaido. That being said at some point in this fight I do believe Kidd and BM will have a confrontation over what he stole from her territory.
Hahaha damage controlu.



Zoro Worshipper
Nope, its Crydo with the fake hype, Crydo is just a character for Oda to show you dont take in false hype, i'll bet on kaido even big fat refers to him as a little brother
It's too soon to gauge the matter bud, don't be too hasty.

They were portrayed similarly but Kaido is the priority to take out. His overall portrayal is the best out of the two to be accurate, Big Mom however might come next in the queue.


World's Strongest Swordsman
And? Did Zoro not both DEFLECT THREE Kaido tornadoes with ONE tornado from himself AND cut through Kaido who was still in the air?

how come Zoro can do any of this shit when he doesn’t have teleportation? Isn’t his range so low that he can’t do anything to a yonko without mobility boosts?
Then Kaido got serious after being hit while distracted and countered everybody with a group attack.
Kaido was not flying high out of range at the time and was not focused.

If Kaido was flying high Zoro needs a mobility boost.
If Kaido isn't distracted it is hard for Zoro to land powerful hits
If Kaido isn't distracted Kaido's counter attacks are too much for most of them to handle.
The Zoro and Kaido hype train is back.

After so many decent and some even trash level chapters like the simpji ones we finally get to see wtf is going on in the Battle Of Monsters on the rooftop.

By now Luffy should be back to normal so he and Zoro can 2v1 Hybrid Kaido. It's probably going to be just a mid volume tease but still, hyped as all fuck.

Can't wait to see some panels.
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