Who will Kaido fight?

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So from you perspective if this is discussed in must mean someone is "whining" ? :okay:

I've never brought this up until now since i don't really care beyond thinking less of the people who constantly do it because like i said, as far as i'm concerned, it's dumb to have it be your go to for your whole activity on this forum.

I was wondering if maybe those who do this are not aware that they are perceived in this manner maybe ? But i guess there's no point trying to discuss it, since "its just banter" and talking about it is "whining", so it's just something meant to be ignored, that's no really of any value, but you have to do it anyway . Odd stuff, but have at it if you got stuck in this cycle i guess :specialmeh:
lol playing the victim here as per usual.
you brought it up cause that particular comment was aimed at your fanbase ......

whining : complain in a feeble or petulant way.

yes ,you were whining .
" it's dumb to have it be your go to for your whole activity on this forum."
the person you quoted
is that his go to activity?
if not this point of yours , in what way is it relevant?
if you wanted to be objective in discussing this in anycase you started this discussion by calling one side out
you were biased
want to act like you are against it but only called out one side who did this when the discussion started . what a joke.
everyone finishing move is overpowering opponent with their dominant style....didn't Zoro overpower pica? ....I don't know whether Luffy punches his way to victory solo but ultimately what you are asking is instead of one only Luffy overpowering Kaido, you would be pleased with 5 similar other guys "overpowering" Kaido with their own fighting style....
Luffy punching his way solo to victory would make Wano one of the worst arcs if not the worst arc. Flat Out absolutely stupid. If this was the case there is no point of Luffy fighting Shanks or BB 1v1 bec Luffy would be the strongest pirate in the world and beat both of them 1v1 and automatically become pirate

Yes I would be please with Kaido losing to all 5 SNs but I see them separating and Kidd, Killer, Law taking on BM and Luffy and Zoro taking on Kaido with assistance from yamato and maybe some other players later on


Lead them to paradise.
Can you read? It says Luffy is punching. Sccabards said its not over until his head is off.

Oda "When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character yet. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is just because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a solution somehow."
I can read yes, Zoro tells hims this:

Zoro warns him that they should think of another way
He didnt say you should think of another way, but ''they''. Meaning all of them. Meaning Zoro himself is trying to figure it out, meaning he can't cut him as of right now.

Its pretty clear cut.

But he and Luffy will, throughout the fight be able to do it.

And that's fine, Luffy and this group defeats him and Zoro kills him. Everyone is happy, even Kaido.

But rn, it seems like they hit a wall, and that is fine.
I wanted to point out something interesting Ashura mentions :

"When it's against one of our own nakama, the blade won't be as sharp."

This goes back to the concept of Breath of all things directly, where zoro says that his blade understands his own will and hence he was able to bring out his potential with Wado by cutting mr 1, and he has mastered the sword to the point where he can and cut nothing with a sword which is near absurd knowing that its a sword. Similarly Ashura agrees that their intentions weren't potent enough for the sword to do cut kanjuro.

The difference between ARNAMENT and breath of all things is ARNAMENT is the manifestation of will, but breath of all thing is the connection between the swordsman and the sword where the sword has innate attributes that helps it understand the user's intentions and bring out his/her potential. which even Hyogoro point out in a different context

AcoA theory is flawed when it comes to story progression and the principles of haki itself where one needs to manifest armament first to achieve the latter level.. and it takes delicate control of haki, with that in mind, you can't assume that breath of all things is manifestation of will when zoro never knew what haki is let alone knows how to manifest it, if it was the case and zoro had been perpetually training with it... then Aokiji would have noticed it when theyy clashed.

so breath of all things is nit will manifestation
Nah breath of all things is armament haki, barrier type. We got the exact word for word explanation from Hyou and Koushiro.

If it looks like a bird, talks like a bird and walks like a bird, then it's a bird.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
If Zoro had that way, he wouldn't tell Luffy that they should find another way.

I think Zoro knows he hasn't mastered Enma well enough to be hurting Kaido yet, probably gauged that by either attacking him himself offscreen, like Luffy has been doing or just by watching Luffy with Adcoa do nothing.

We shall see.

Its not a problem though as i believe they will grow throughout the fight( like Luffy with Kat) and they will be able to hurt that form down the road.
Other than his first Rengoku Oni Giri, Zoro has only attacked Kaido to rescue Luffy. It's plausible that Zoro has been playing defensive and never launched a proper attack since then:
  • He needed to protect Luffy while he recovered his haki
  • After Luffy recovered he's been continuing to support him.

Well, we should wait and see. It's really bad to be arguing from headcanon of an off paneled fight. Things may become clear after we return to the Rooftop for real.
Luffy punching his way solo to victory would make Wano one of the worst arcs if not the worst arc. Flat Out absolutely stupid. If this was the case there is no point of Luffy fighting Shanks or BB 1v1 bec Luffy would be the strongest pirate in the world and beat both of them 1v1 and automatically become pirate

Yes I would be please with Kaido losing to all 5 SNs but I see them separating and Kidd, Killer, Law taking on BM and Luffy and Zoro taking on Kaido with assistance from yamato and maybe some other players later on
"Luffy punching his way solo to victory would make Wano one of the worst arcs if not the worst arc."
likely what will happen tho so sit tight
Luffy punching his way solo to victory would make Wano one of the worst arcs if not the worst arc. Flat Out absolutely stupid. If this was the case there is no point of Luffy fighting Shanks or BB 1v1 bec Luffy would be the strongest pirate in the world and beat both of them 1v1 and automatically become pirate

Yes I would be please with Kaido losing to all 5 SNs but I see them separating and Kidd, Killer, Law taking on BM and Luffy and Zoro taking on Kaido with assistance from yamato and maybe some other players later on
My guess: this fight turn into Doflamingo vs Luffy+Law fight but on a bigger scale....Luffy will have 1 vs 1 moment against Kaido...but this is not Luffy solo fight but Luffy ends Kaido solo....
Luffy punching his way solo to victory would make Wano one of the worst arcs if not the worst arc. Flat Out absolutely stupid. If this was the case there is no point of Luffy fighting Shanks or BB 1v1 bec Luffy would be the strongest pirate in the world and beat both of them 1v1 and automatically become pirate

Yes I would be please with Kaido losing to all 5 SNs but I see them separating and Kidd, Killer, Law taking on BM and Luffy and Zoro taking on Kaido with assistance from yamato and maybe some other players later on
Kidd and killer are the duo taking on big mom until maybe hawkins arrives. Law has been the one to set these plans in motion. So law will be in the group against kaido. I don’t know why you guys say zoro and luffy are gonna 2v1 when it’s obvious if they fight kaido law will be with them which was also foreshadowed in 1000.

so if your gonna say zoro and luffy vs kaido you have to put law in there or else your just biased


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Yeah, someone else brought those up and the Zorotards definitely ringed true as something i've seen used very often.

Which is why i continued to say that my stance on this is true for both part of the fanbases that act in this manner. It's the behaviour in itself that i think little of and look down upon.

Like, would you ever read such a comment and think that said behaviour added anything to the discussion, or made you think more of the one acting in that manner ? Because as far as i'm concerned it does the opposite :specialmeh:
My concern was that you described the Sanji fanbase as somehow conducting themselves better, and that is really not true at all. Sanji fans are no better at puerile insults.
My guess: this fight turn into Doflamingo vs Luffy+Law fight but on a bigger scale....Luffy will have 1 vs 1 moment against Kaido...but this is not Luffy solo fight but Luffy ends Kaido solo....
Luffy's focus will eventually shift to Big Mom and Zoro will get majority of time against Kaido.
So far he is the only one Kaido is taking seriously anyways, he will fuck Hybrid Kaido up in some way before the EoW sequence where he beheads him.
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