Still think it's a more broken version of Toki's fruit tbh: just being able to stop time. That's why he doesn't have to eat, he freezes time on his stomach.
It also sort of fits the potential new "universal constants" theme going on between the 3 admirals: Light, Gravity and Time.
Then again, it could also be a Logia, Paramecia and Zoan combo so there's that too. If it's Zoan, I wonder what characteristic allows him to not eat for 3 years.
Edit: ohhhh maybe it's a mythical zoan that can stop time!
Time fruit+zoan mystic version?

Pls stop I already hype myself alone by thinking of it, but it make sense.
Previous Admirals:
Have all logia with Yellow,Blue and Fire contrast.
Now we getting:
Logia, Paramecia and Zoan with Light, Gravity and Time.
The question is which zoan mysttic power could have the power to control time?
Pls we need Greenbull in Wano, Oda if you ever respect your fans, pls do it...