
I will never forgive Oda
I'll be honest, it kind of reminds me of Naraku from Inuyasha with all those serpentine demon looking things being fused apart of both of them.
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This is why I don't wanna read the series lol.
Nothing wrong with that. It's Saitama. Obvious villains won't pose threats, but it's the fun of how it works in. Still you should read it and hints Orochi could come back later.
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Happy birthday to zolo aka marimo...
Rivals and Equals to the end. Even Merchandise like these know the truth lol.
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That’s a follow for you sir
Actually they fixed it in the latest OVA.

The reason Season 2 got issues, it that they couldn't get original director and some of people to work on it. Thus given to another studio. Feel they could have done better if they had mire time by giving it 24 episode this season, not rushed it like that. There were good animations and fights, but not good teamwork on working it.

They should do AOT Season 2 treatment on extending the season and taking their time. Doing it same as first season wouldn't work as Murata started making chapters longer later on in the chapters than first few Sagas which were shorter.

If they expect Season 3 to hit, they need to learn from this or give it back to better studio to handle it or co-joint with another and handle-studio like AOT. Better yet they should have waited for original director to cone back for it unless he denied working on it again which I can't understand why he would when Season 1 was very successful all around for it. It be very weird if he did. Overall Season 2 needed work and hope Season 3 gets that as it will be very fight heavy of Monster Association Saga.
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