Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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You said: ''No Zoro already gave his word, he not somebody who will just dishonor himself like that. ''

What word? Where was this ''word'' mentioned in the series? Never mentioned so this is your fanfiction.

And same Zoro said he would kill Luffy if Luffy prevents him being WGS (greatest swordsman), then what happened? He begged Kuma to take his life instead Luffy and he gave up on his dream for Luffy. If there was any word then he wouldn't do that against Kuma because he already said he isn't giving up on being WGS for Luffy but then he changed his word and truly become Luffy's underling. The things have changed.

Why did he forget his word when it comes to Usopp not apologizing? Because there's none.

I proved Zoro can leave even when it doesn't concern Zoro it concerns Luffy and Usopp only, Zoro makes that an issue because his captain must be superior and stronger, these are the same thing.

Then later saying Zoro would take over as captain if Luffy wasn't stronger in fishman island only confirms this.
The word is agreeing to join the crew. Zoro even says he don't have much choice because he basically got blackmailed.

Yes he did change about that. Thats called character development after having relationship with Luffy and creating a bond.

He never forgot his word. Luffy was embarrassing himself. He not working under somebody like that. It does concern Zoro because Luffy is his captain. You sound silly now. Zoro literally breaks it down that a crew that doesn't respect his captain is bound to fail. He not taking no disrespect to Luffy.

He never said anything about Luffy being stronger in FI. Stop making shit up.
Not for Kaido and BM who were explicitely portrayed and shown as haki monsters
Dude what the fuck are you talking about? It doesn't matter who you are. Haki is finite.

Again they know laws ability. They know to coat themselves with haki (the invisible which is the lowest form of armament). Just because luffy uses too much haki on gear fourth does not mean that kaido and bigmom a haki are as finite as luffys
Oda is trying to duct tape the DF, but it still makes no sense. What Haki is he talking about?

Armament Haki makes no sense, because it's like a suit of armour. He is not attacking them. Law has used Shambles to help people.

Conqueror's makes no sense, because it has nothing to do with will power.

Oda's lame excuse for everything now is "Haki" without even clarifying anything. Shambles in reality has nothing to do with Haki.
what do you expect from a fiction? Theres no problem at all as long as it is done consistently


the aftermath of Wano will be very severe I think the WG will declare the war against Luffy and co. that might lead that the alliance between Law, Luffy and Kid will continue.
''Rubber'' isn't an attack but Sentomaru bypassed it's effect and hurt Luffy in Sabaody.
Mate, you're making PHYSICAL contact. That's the whole point of ARMAMENT haki. Teleportation you're not making any contact. In fact, it's used to help out allies.

Let alone the fact like I mentioned, Haki is stated to be FINITE. You can't turn it on 24/7. That's why you APPLY Haki.
I interpreted that as countering all df power. DF power is DF power. It's kind of irrelevant how it's been used. Haki allows blunt attacks to hurt Luffy.
Nope. Did not counter this

It clearly bypassed his skin, since Law was looking for the location of his organs. So no Haki can't bypass everything.

We saw with Barto's DF too

There are clear instances where Haki cannot counter DF.
Mate, you're making PHYSICAL contact. That's the whole point of ARMAMENT haki. Teleportation you're not making any contact. In fact, it's used to help out allies.

Let alone the fact like I mentioned, Haki is stated to be FINITE. You can't turn it on 24/7. That's why you APPLY Haki.
It was never stated that physical contact had to be made. That was peoples head canon. Did the admirals not use their haki to create a forcefield to block the power of whitebeard?

Did smoker not tell tashigi in punk hazard not to enter laws room because her HAKI was strong enough? Armament is offense and defense. If it's offense allows you to hit intangible logias I would only imagine that it's defense would allows your to protect yourself from intangible devil fruit attacks


Talent is something you make bloom.
Its almost as Oda regrets creating some convoluted DFs and doesn't want to think much on how they work.
So he just throws the "haki counter" there and hope that someone will pull the Rayleigh panels and defend his dumb ideas.

Seems to work pretty well, actually. LMAO.
Haki is used to stop ATTACKS. Shambles is not an attack. It's literally used to help allies.

There is nothing in the description of armament Haki or conqueror's that has anything to do with preventing teleportation.

That's for attacks. Teleportation isn't an attack.
Haki not only use to stop attacks. It literally makes logia tangible. Its stated to be a counter measure to DF.
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