stop tagging me...I have my reasons why I won't be active yet
Kaido vs Retainers : mid diff
Yonko vs SNs : was mid diff... they didn't do any critical damage to both..are heavenly weakened, barely kicked BM away.
Kaido vs weakened SNs ..he will mid diff
Kaido vs SNs + Yamato + Hawkins + Sanji + ? Incoming
Let's forget the plot booster stuff ..
Kidd, zoro and Luffy in endurance>Any YC/warlord.
Base kidd (while already injured ) tanked base hits and isn't KOed. Survived her punches better than big father capone who did better than Zoan Queen.
Zoro briefly stop/slow down a Combined attack and then cuts fire again. Defensive Award. This is insanely hard to downplay or forget. This is the biggest feat of Wano among SNs outside of Retainers fatal blow on Kaido and KG Gatling on kaido.
MVPs are Law and Kidd:
Kidd catches Zeus and overpowers Linlin with Law coming clutch.
Hybrid Marco can't break free from a mere choke...base kidd while pinned down, can catch her arm and blow her away.
"Muh Marco>Kidd" lol Marco has nothing over kidd now except speed and recovery.
1v1 base linlin (no Weapons ) still wreck any SN mid/high diff except maybe Luffy who loses upper-high diff. None can hurt her critically anyway. Look how she can easily pin Kidd down and punch him.
Im not happy and will never understand why did Oda bring Linlin & BMP in Wano. Wasted potential thus bad choice .
Orochi is useless. Should have died a long time ago
If base kidd can Stop her arm physically and repel her away with his df powers While Law's hax can't shamble BM...If Punk Kidd can slam and squeeze Kaido
Kidd washes any commander or warlord mid/high diff. He's way physically stronger than all of them. Only Kata, Weevil & Mihawk can still beat Kidd and Zoro. AP/DC doesn't beat Kata if your CoO is average and your speed isnt at least above Boundman.
Old PL : Doffy >= Law/Zoro ~ King/Marco but now :
Enma Zoro ~ Doffy/Law > Sanji/Killer / Marco/King/Hancock
Oden : Upper-Mid top
5 SNs combined force ~< Oden
9 Retainers combined force < Oden
Luffy : Low top
Kidd : inbetweener
Zoro/Law: top high tiers
Killer: high high tier
Or else it would 2 v1 or still 5v2 ..if Others were top tiers too. They wouldn't cry to separate Yonko. They would be critically hurting Kaieo and BM long ago.
5v2 or 5v1 means, only Luffy is admiral/low top tier at best.

so Kaido's AP sucks now or what? U see
Stop downplaying Kata's AP , Plot will always make Luffy & co tanky beyond reasonings.
...please respect my wishes , don't tag me unless it's informative and serious.
I'll be active agai but not anytime soon.