Midnight survived a day lynch, that's in the vast likelihood of cases a Mafia ability, a townie in general has no real business with surviving a lynch... and apparently he wasn't even killed at night despite vigs should have most likely offed him.
Gambit, well... that post I quoted. I have issues with his game style. Just like I had with Light's in early game, but apparently Light might have attempted to gain town cred. by voting Midnight out knowing that the lynch would have failed and so it wasn't as solid as a common bussing, hence as detrimental.
But the thing is... if Gambit, Light and Midnight were eventually part of the same team, Light would of had only to gain by voting up the man surviving the lynch and not Gambit.
I would like to add Rej to the poll, a survivor that is also supposedly a role or ability Cop, that's fishy.