Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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I do think that Kid is ultimately going to lose to Big Mom. Narratively, it wouldn’t make sense for her to lose to anyone but Luffy. Also, the entire fight it definitely looks like Oda has set her ho to be the prime person on the rooftop in good condition. She hasn’t received one injury, and I highly doubt Kid is going to be able to give her a grave one in his current state.
I think Kid is only supposed to stall her and get a few feats before she beats him. Eventually all of them will get back together for the end of the fight
You know what is funny? Before this chapter many people downplayed haoshoku (especially Kidd), now everyone gonna hype haoshoku users cuz Zoro is one of them XD

I always expected haoshoku to be a major thing in OP, if it was just a fodder beater it would be lame
It's cause it never seemed to have any qualities outside of taking out fodder.

Now it seems it can be imbued like armament to make an even stronger attack
Everyone who saying it is not adv CoC simple try to downplay Zoro, that is literally the key of the chapter, to hype adv CoC and both Kaido and Zoro are confirmed to have it since Zoro use CoC in his attack!!!
I find it strange to see Zoro's "advanced" CoC do relatively nothing, then Luffy's fuck Kaido up with a base punch as a stand out moment to end the chapter, would be a strange choice by Oda narratively speaking.

Also would be strange to have Luffy come to the realization of advanced CoC in the middle of the battle, after Zoro had it pre-TS according to some.

Only learning this as a result of Kaido using it on him, when he is the supposed CoC specialist.
Then you're saying that Luffy's and Zoro's words mean nothing? Zoro said that Ashura is his limit and Luffy told him that he'll do the rest. I think what'll happen next is pretty clear.
First of all When did luffy say he will do the rest?
Second of all Zoro will say that asura is his limit for a dramatic moment from Oda and he will be back after recovering for a short period. It happens all the time in anime " i am at my limit" Next chapter he recovers.
Btw Oda is mad. He knows what his fans wants to see, if we go back to Chopper and Drake vs Queen or Jinbe vs WsW, it would seem like we made a step backwards in the arc. He focused too much on the rooftop.

Now we have like 7 scenarios to handle (Nami and Usopp vs Ulti and P1, Franky vs Sasaki, Jinbe vs WsW, Robin and Brook vs Black Maria, whatever is going to happen to BM, Kaido vs Luffy and the live floor), 5 of which are pretty boring, they are just fights. I don't think he made the right choice


I think Hakai is a CoC haki based attack as well. since Ha is part of Haoshoku
Raimei Hakke ? no idea
Kosanze Ragnaraku confirmed as well.
BM's Ikoku and Hahaba maybe as well.
maybe all of their strongest attacks have something to do with CoC Haki
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