Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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It don't contradict anything.

Marco comments on it and him being able to avoid Marco....

Mihawk comments on his supposed strength....

WB himself admits he's declined........

He's half dead.

Yet you still expect him to be the WSM in Marineford lmao.
Nerfing WB was the dumbest move. Would be better if 2 Admirals fought against him, and then BB sneak attack took him out.
Well Zoro is finally using Ashura and we just learned that it was an Adv CoC all along !!!!
Meaning that Zoro is the first one, in the entire series, to ever display an Avd CoC :finally:
This is a mess to be honnest, I know that Ashura was something very powerful but making it advanced Coc is really messy and sounds really forced just like Oda's decision to make Rokushiki related to haki.

I think that the two should have stayed separated.


Lead them to paradise.
Oda is biggest Zoro Fan ever

We always said that Zoro will Tank a strong Attack from Kaido but never imagined it will be Combined Finisher from BM & Hybrid Kaido.
We also believed Zoro will show CoC but never imagined he will directly show CoC imbued Attacks which is Higher Mastery
I believe it too.

Also Luffy's line basically confirms to me there are more acts tbh.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Not just hours, the wording: At some point doesnt just mean hours mate.

Its like he's projecting into the future lmfao.

Def of at some point:

Definition (expr.) in the future; at a point in time; at a certain time. Examples At some point, you have to stop buying clothes.

And somehow implies he still doesn't know how.
I get you. He's saying kaido will fall but he's not saying the usual I will beat you.
He knows zkk.
So Asura is a Hauoshoku form, interested to know the specifics of Hauoshoku!

Luffy points out that Kaido's attack power secret is king's haki too

I guess Oda finally is giving hype to King's haki!

Secondly, Big Mom amnesia plot got delayed Lol, if she fell into water, she was bound to lose memories, so I guess Oda will delay it for another time

Luffy cuurrently in base form able to hurt hybrid Kaido truly makes Luffy's level so god damn high, we all are also sure Luffy isn't yet close to going all out yet... he's bound to show more

Interesting thing about Zoro is he admitted that his biggest strike was this Asura... so after this chapter, there should be no argument circling about Zoro didn't go all out yet!

First, he momentarily tanked a combined yonko attack, secondly his swordsmanship and Asura is his biggest weapon was scary enough to scar Kaido, BUT not enough to be ZKK
Unless Zoro gets even stronger by the end of the fight, but as of now, Zoro himself went all out by his own words, and is leaving the rest to others

Secondly, it seems Kaido took out Zoro and Law simultanusly
And the spoiler doesn't say much about Kidd and Killer, but it seems like Luffy is gonna carry out the fight against Kaido from now on
Which again shows Luffy level for Oda to leave it up to Luffy

Now unless all alliance is defeated and there is another round

Most likely scenario is Luffy soloing Kaido from now on + Big Mom will be distracted by something else... maybe she goes to deal with other business and Kaido tells her to leave Mugiwara to him...
And by the time she finishes, Kaido and beast pirates collapses
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