I said "3 yonko crews" not 3 yonkos!!
You know 1 yonko crew can have a Yonko, YC1, YC2, YC3 and YC4.
The YC1 themselves are usually portrayed in high place, either stated to be as strong as the captain (Beckman) or can even defeat another Yonko from different crew (King).
3 Yonko crew let's say MF Whitebeard Pirates, Big Mom Pirates and Beast Pirates combined >> Rocks pirates who only consist of Xebec, young WB, BM, and Kaido and Shiki and other less impressive members.
Current Navy ~ 3 Yonko crews >> Rocks Pirates.
You know Rocks Pirates don't even have the young Haki God at their side so stop wanking them