Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Me reading this
Luffy: "My attacks were still too shallow...
But after taken you kanabou, I now understand.
"Color of the Supreme King" can be used to "cover" yourself as well!"

Kaidou: "Worororororo...!!
It's true, but only a handful of people can manage to do that!!!"

Kaidou attacks Luffy again but Luffy blocks the kanabou with his feet without even touching it. There's lot of black thunder coming out from around his feet. Luffy then jumps at Kaidou with black lighting around his fist. He then hits Kaidou's stomach and chin (without touching him) until Kaidou hits the ground.

Law: "They aren't even touching...!!" (He uses the same phrase Oden said when he saw Roger and Whitebeard clashed).

Luffy: "Zoro, Torao... Thank you for protecting me until now.
Both of you can go downstairs now!!
Tell the other... that no matter what happens, I will win!!!"

The fucking King!
Even when Oda reveals things we get more mysteries. Apparently you can use CoC for defense (Luffy's feet) and offense (Luffy's fists, Kaido's Ragnarok, Roger and WB's clash). But also CoC can make things like Asura and we have no idea how.

Zoro is GOAT and shined enough against Kaido...

and Luffy 1 vs 1 against Kaido....curious to see how things will turn out now that he can imbue with CoC....and similarities with Roger and Whiteberad

so Luffy didn't fully master adCoA yet based on his comments....and as usual Oda is going with "haki blooms in crisis" route for Luffy....

Now interesting to see what match ups will happen at downstairs....

Zoro didn't realize that he has CoC but I think Oda is hinting towards future he will learn how to control....

Law and Zoro bonding is the new additional thing that happened in this chapter....and finally Zoro got recognition from Kaido instead of shitty enma....

Now probably King wank will be back..
@Topi Jerami
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