Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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The more i think about it, the more dissatisfied i am with the fight on the rooftop.
Zoro aside, the rest barely did any damage to Kaido. I had so many expectation about Law and Kidd but Oda failed to deliver. He brought them to the rooftop only to make it a hype chapter. He barely utillized them.
This fight had so many potential with their devil fruits but he decided to play it safe.

This is a massive letdown, he should have let kidd and Law had their moment before making them fall or leave, it just feel like a miss opportunity. The only good action sequence in the whole fight was the WG disarming big mom but even that doesnt hold any weight the next chapter.

I dont know about you guys, but im kinda let down this chapter.
They were there to hype Kaido not the other way around .
They got in some attacks and did some damage but it was always about showing how insane Kaido is.
He could have kill anyone of them many time overs .
Are Kidd fans actually happy with the BM matchup?

He was talking big about how he was gonna be the one to kill Kaido and get revenge but now he randomly switches to BM without any buildup or doing anything significant to Kaido?

No agendas here, it just seems like lame and inconsistent writing.
Weird and out of the blow? That’s true, but switching to fight another yonko nonetheless is still a good thing.
Kaidou is about to finish Zoro with his kanabou. Law launches to defend Zoro but Kaidou attacks both with his "Raimei Hakke" (Thunder of the Eight Trigrams) and leaves them very wounded.

Kaidou: "It's a shame ... If you had joined me, we would have dominated the world together ..."

So how strong are Zoro and Law?
He said that to all of 5 SN, if they have joined him, they could conquer the world!
I most definitely disagree with your Zoro take , but I respect your answer.

What is the biggest feat he will achieve post ch 1010, and ill bet he does something a lot more impressive for bragging rights
The biggest feat he can do in the manga is defeat Mihawk, who was stalled by Vista. Zoro has nowhere to go but down. It was his best feat in the manga to stop both Kaido and BM for a second. Can't go up from there


Zoro Worshipper
To be fair Sanji tanked that attack with no damage :cheers:
Well bear in mind Page One had Sanji experience pain by the latter's admission, he had no reasons to troll about it at least.

In general his suit is very durable but the painmeter has no to be underestimated since characters can faint from hunger so they probably can faint from enough pain.

Regardless King was in all likelihood far from trying his best to destroy the suit.
The more i think about it, the more dissatisfied i am with the fight on the rooftop.
Zoro aside, the rest barely did any damage to Kaido. I had so many expectation about Law and Kidd but Oda failed to deliver. He brought them to the rooftop only to make it a hype chapter. He barely utillized them.
This fight had so many potential with their devil fruits but he decided to play it safe.

This is a massive letdown, he should have let kidd and Law had their moment before making them fall or leave, it just feel like a miss opportunity. The only good action sequence in the whole fight was the WG disarming big mom but even that doesnt hold any weight the next chapter.

I dont know about you guys, but im kinda let down this chapter.

Edit: Im hyped about zoro, but not happy with the direction this fight is going.
Law was the one who brought the whole plan to take kaido, he barely did anything this arc. There's still time but i dont see things changing.
The plot will always side on Luffy. Beside him, no one will eat the cake :cheers:
The biggest feat he can do in the manga is defeat Mihawk, who was stalled by Vista. Zoro has nowhere to go but down. It was his best feat in the manga to stop both Kaido and BM for a second. Can't go up from there
I forgot to add during the war, I thought I wrote that but I did not, my bad on that part

What do you think from Ch 1011 to end of Onigashima War will be Zoro's biggest feat and I will bet he will do something more impressive for bragging rights?
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