I don't support the rumbling and was hoping that the alliance would stop Eren but last chapter was really disappointing.
For all the buildup and all the conflicts that happened, it tied up too happily and neatly. I really don't like the tragic hero trope, the whole "I played the bad guy so my friends can stop me and be the hero!" is rarely executed well. It comes off as a cheap way to justify the villains and suddenly make everyone forgive them 🙄
This chapter ruined both Eren and the alliance. Eren let fate control him which goes against the whole seeking for freedom thing. The alliance just suddenly "forgot" about the fact that Eren tried to commit genocide.
Like they're all ok and even thankful(??) about Eren sacrificing to play the bad guy? Dude wiped off 80% of humanity......just cuz he went from genocide to genocide (but for my friends) doesn't suddenly make him the hero that should be forgiven lmao.
Eren went from villain to cheap hero while alliance went from supposed hero that saved humanity to like pawns in Eren's plan 😑.
Anyways, ending aside. I still really love this series, especially the first 100 chapters
. It'll take a while to get used to not reading AoT at the start of every month.