First of all, 1 minute of silence for all the Zorotards, they got quite a bunch of L's today lmao.
And second, my eyes were hurt during this reading, damn, the panels quality was quite questionable.
So Injection Shot ignores durability as I thought, then it's clear the plot armor Kaido got last chapters where SN couldn't injure them severely, Law at least should have dealt more damage, at par with Luffy. Oda nerfing him again.
Base/G2 Luffy > SN, yeah, including the top tier Zoro

Zoro with his strongest attack couldn't even put Kaido down for a moment at least while Luffy is using him as a punching bag, said by Zoro himself btw.
Zoro destroying Zorotards in a single panel
-Law > Zoro
-Zoro finishing his business with Kaido, poor ZKK believers.
It seems Law and Zoro only got hit by the shockwave of CoC and not Thunder Bagua entirely, since Law is still conscious and no way he is above Boundman Luffy in durability.
Btw, Zoro plot armor in action in this chapter. Kaido could have done the CoC Thunder Bagua attack and knock him out before Asura, but he preferred to use a normal club hit.
As for Zoro's possible CoC, it doesn't seem the case and probably another tease.
First, Enma was shown first when Asura started.
AGAIN, it might be Oden remaining CoC within Enma

-Second, Zoro knows about CoC, while his words implied that he didnt use it.
-Third, no black lightning.
So Asura might be an attack that somehow replicate the CoC effect on Kaido's body lowering his regenerative capacity. After all, between Scabbards attacks and Oden there is apparently no difference aside from the damage done, but all they could pierce Kaido like nothing, the wound they gave him were of the same size and depth (Kiku even pierced his hand entirely), the only difference is that Kaido couldn't heal from one while yes from the others.
Anyway, we will see it for sure against King if he has or not CoC. Because Kaido would be the last to fall like any other boss in this manga and this will be after several hours at least seeing Cracker and Katakuri's fights. Meanwhile, Zoro as a main character in this manga, won't be unconscious for all that time, pretty obvious. Much less after we saw Scabbards being brought back from death basically (with Hiyori and possible healing powers¿?), and with Chopper and Marco here and Zoro's own great endurance.
So, here is the another L, the portrayal with Sanji will remain the same, in the same tier with a cook
P.S: another proof why Mifraud is below Shanks