People keep saying he is dead
But this feat

of Vergo is immortalized
I always said this, and people still underrate Washigi. She also took a full bite from Monet that was capable of ripping off shoulders clean from trained and strong navy soldiers that could clash pretty well with Zoro, Kinnemon and Brook and hold them off,
Tashigi was not only durable enough to not get her shoulder ripped off but she even managed to restrain Monet entirely, ie Monet is in monster form here
Zoro had a good moment where he displayed his CoC (we now know) but Tashigi had some really good moments where her physical strength and durability was showcased. Tashigi is really undeservedly underrated (but she will show feats in Wano)
I'll get a PHD in One-Pieceology

(really no shit, I put in so much efflort into One Piece I really should have a degree like that, feel most of us should

True path to Valhalla starts here

RightLegGang (btw see Toguro thread I made)
It's nice to see you made the "right"
