Not happening... law’s room takes stamina, so as he is healing Zoro, he is also getting weaker... Law will be down for a bit to regain his stamina after Zoro is healed up...
Nah man, it's supposed to be One Piece's biggest battle/war. We've been waiting for Wano for about ten years.
There is absolutely no fucking tension. Even with the 2 yonkos on the roof there weren't any.
Luffy who gains 5 powers up in 1 week of training with Hyogoro with his flashback instinct and masters the advanced COA and COC in 1 WEEK you realize ??
Chopper bitch-slapping Queen
Marco taking the two most powerful calamities on his own. There is NO fucking deaths I can't anymore
She’s strong... She just beat kid and killer all the way back into the castle and bopped Page one... What she isnt is competent... she’s ridiculously incompetent
I know she's strong. What I meant was that she does not look strong. There is no moment where she actually looks really powerful and as an actual threat. It's really sad.
He goes for hunting Big mum, this time solo against her!
But i instantly saw something else too... Big Mum, which will be fought by Kid, now attacks Page One, which we assumed will join Kid. P1 and Ulti will get some special motivation when they get saved by Eustass Kid!
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