wining? Im winning
I ain't shitting on kidd here. your sad sanji slander is just pathetic. kidd will of course go after big mom, he wont win against her but he aint downgrading all the way down to trash ass apoo. no need to degrade yourself with sad stupid sanji slander and some dumb ''he wasn't using haki'' despite being punshed by a yonko arguments. its not a good look on you for arguing this or kidd that he would be dumb enough to not use haki to defend himself if he is able.

I "slander" Sanji to piss off people like you, because it works lol
Kid not using Haki (even when he is a confirmed CoC user btw) and still fighting 2 Yonko actually IS a feat.
Have fun with @5000 ng/dl or death still making fun of you guys for Vergo cracking Sanji's prized legs.