How Will O-Lin Play Out?

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And here I thought we would get some insane moves from Big Mom.. She's somewhat meme"y, but I nonetheless think that her arsenal is one of the coolest in the series.. That tenjin got me hyped.
Hopefully Oda does not go overboard with that stuff. But I'm positive he won't, still need to see her awakening I think
Yeah and the Hawkins part and also Big mom part(before she meet Tama) sound very interesting.

Based on Lance hints Big mom has a new homie most like. Also she use something with even shock Kid? I hyped to see actually these panels.

About Hawkins, why he not join yet the alliace? Shouldn't his card showing that Kaido going lose soon?

Formerly Seth

So far every Yonko has some problem:

Whitebeard: Gettick sick and shit. Health in general.

Kaido: Minor drinking problem.

Big Mom: Diabetes and mental health.

Blackbeard: Overweight with no sleep.

Shanks: ?????

What will be Shanks's problem?

Will he be the first Yonko to actually be normal and acting as a strong pirate should?
That is the problem of the Oda defend squad. Rather accept people criticize the manga(people who not doing it everytime) get put in a group who whinning about bad plot? You guys can't take any criticize, I can tell from the user information which user start to defend anything when I chapter coming out bad. Always the same one,is it so hard for you guys to take right criticize?
Bro as I said I don't care about your opinions or your critics about the plot.
You came here in this thread tagging me out of nowhere when I was talking to another user and started bashing Oda and the plot and I just said the same stuff that I said here, I don't care.
If you are not enjoying the story take a break and go do some other stuff it is literally just a series, not that big of a deal.
Don't come tagging me over and over again to say the same stuff because I really don't care and find your critic superficial and rather you being mad that the plot didn't go your way than anything else. Simple as that, stop tagging me into your nonsense :okay:
Nah everyone being trash doesn't mean I have to be. If somebody is shitting on my favorite character, I don't feel the need to see who their favorites are, bring them up out of nowhere even tho nobody was talking about said character, and make shit up as revenge instead of just arguing against their trash ass points. Herd mentality.
Except you are also part of the herd mentality cause I've literally also watched you trash on characters and fanbases just like everyone else on this forum:

why the hell are the kid fans fighting the sanji fans and vise versa? lets focus our efforts on the zorostans like always. of course kidd vs apoo wont happen. that being said, kidd aint taking down big mom here. he will find her and try to fight her tho. he aint just giving up on her to fight apoo of all people. apoo is to small time for drake even. also, sanji is fine after black maria. that shit did nothing at all despite him not protecting himself with armament :kayneshrug:

Sanji took no damage against king divebomb :kayneshrug: some gifters beating on sanji while he is tied up means nothing. iirc zoro was bleeding form gifters and apoo earlier. That didn't mean anything either which is why I ain't bringing it up anywhere. Its not like either of them have impenetrable skin like big mom. Zoro halted an attack for 2 seconds max and almost died as a result. It's mad impressive don't get me wrong. But keep the perspective right. Wait for sanjis matchup. See if it's a glorious sanji vs king or a disappointing sanji vs page one or whatever and then shit talk all you want. Jumping the gun only makes you look like a clown in the end.
Get off your high horse. You sit here and have the delusion to tell me that "Kid not using Haki" is offensive and I'm perpetuating toxic shit, but then proceed to defend Sanji or attack Zoro fans in your own way with your own arguments that are literally the same exact defensive shit everyone does here.

YOU are also part of the problem. The sad thing is, I don't even fault you for the shit I've bolded, they are perfectly normal responses to what you were responding to, but don't try and patronize me for doing the same exact thing lmao. You are fucking toxic like the rest of us.



Oh fuc IT bring on perospero for sanji. I told it's the Best sanji îs gettin. Bm owns queen and marco owns king

Good ness arc it's reaching Ene, maybe 15 more chapters
So far every Yonko has some problem:

Whitebeard: Gettick sick and shit. Health in general.

Kaido: Minor drinking problem.

Big Mom: Diabetes and mental health.

Blackbeard: Overweight with no sleep.

Shanks: ?????

What will be Shanks's problem?

Will he be the first Yonko to actually be normal and acting as a strong pirate should?
A certain passivity perhaps, he could have taken things in his own hands early and dealt with Teach after he betrayed and left the Whitebeard Pirates but instead didn't do anything to stop his rise in power.
Florentino Perez woke up feeling DANGEROUS 🔥🥶

-74 years old prison escapee 🥶🥶
-Bottled 2 billion in 48 hours 😭😭
-Bottled a league before it started 🔥🔥
-0 trebles won 🤯🤯
- interview merchant 😠😠
- Asking Netflix for help 😰😰

Better than Prime Bartomeu?
The problem is no tension in the arc, cheap cliffhangers like chopper virus, plot convenience everywhere, dumbing down villains. Tense moments like roof piece has ended badly (big mom turning into Olin) and now we have to watch plot armour luffy vs dumbed down Kaido
Have you forgotten that the island is still floating towards the capital?
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