Lmfao, people were shitting on
@Jo_Ndule when he said that Marco is a fodder compared to real YC1 characters like GOATakuri and now it's confirmed that his only relevant hype is fake as well: rivaling Prime Rayleigh - Marco probably shat on his pants witnessing Rayleigh's power lol.
And as I've predicted it, Oden seems to be the true rival of Prime Rayleigh; dude even had an equal clash against WB.
Well, I can say that Oden gets lots of impressive feats AND portrayal which leads me to believe once again that he was the true right hand man of WB.
And something good for the swordbois: Zoro downplayer can no longer deny that EOS Zoro will be AT LEAST top tier since he'll clearly surpass Prime Oden. Not that this wasn't obvious before but at least their excuses are gone, lol.