One Piece Chapter 963 Spoilers Discussion

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There’s too many arguments to say why Big Mom is trash lol, getting stalemated by Brooke and Monster Chopper, getting one shot by King and Queen, failing to hit Jinbe sitting directly in front of her, Her Spear of Elbaf showing lesser attack power than Dorry and Broggy, etc.

And Kaido is equal to her. These are not Whitebeard level feats. Lol
BM never got Stalemated by Brook. Monster Chopper never stalemated BM. King never 1 shot BM. He hit some fishes. BM was already sleepy before she went to Odin. You sound stupid. Kaido 1 shotted Luffy and BM matched that Kaido in a day fight.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Sword God Ryuma

Lmfao, so your response is to just deny the canon? Yonko fans crack me up.

He kicked her ship actually but thank you for proving you can’t read on a fundamental level. It’s a common trait I’ve noticed in people who defend big mom and Kaido lol.

Point is, Big Mom got defeated by an action that wouldn’t even work on pre TS Smoker lol.

Kaido 1 shotted Luffy and BM matched that Kaido in a day fight.

Glad we can agree that both are weak.
sea and islands, not mountains
True, could've sworn I read mountains lolz thanks for the correction ^^.

They really just said “huh/what?!”
That was my interpretation of that bit of text. Might just be me, but some things don't really translate so well from Japanese to English, sometimes if I translate word for word, it feels a bit flat, so I prefer to translate it the way I feel the text (i.e. paraphrase)

Also it’s Itachi Port, not Idate
Thanks ^^. First time I read it Idate popped into my head for some reason ^^" prolly coz I read the Okurigana for that word and not the Kanji.
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