One Piece Chapter 963 Spoilers Discussion

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I know the age stuff would of been brought up. You cannot compare Luffy to the old gen characters, their growth was way way slower
But it's not just that, this WB who clashed with Oden has only just become a captain, meaning he hasnt been fighting the top guys such as Roger and Garp. He's only been fighting their underlings.

Basically this WB even at 40 is only a rookie captain in the NW meaning he's nowhere near his Prime.
Fact to the matter is, for some reason Marco always gets shit from the fandom.

- Marco blocks Kizaru's yasakani no magatama, no damage, then proceeds to push him back.
  • Fandom: " Not impressive"
- Marco blocks the punch of Akainu, and doesn't get pushed back.
  • Fandom: " Not Impressive"
Meanwhile Ben Beckman gets trolled by Kizaru and made look incompetent.
  • Fandom: "Ben is a god, LOW TOP TIER"


Zoro Worshipper
I mean, Oden didn't do any damage either but is treated as a God
Not really my point. He implied Marco sending Kizaru flying was a big deal as if he damaged him so I just debunked that instantaneously lol.

Plus we don't know actually I don't see it impossible that WB eventually got a small cut like in Ray vs Kizaru.
Eh no
The Oden that got hurt by Ashura was 20.
This Oden vs WB is way stronger

Also can you imagine WB or Kaido saying about DR luffy "this is bad" when he is attacking them?
Oden is clearly inbetweener here.
The Oden that got hurt by Ashura was 18. He became dayimo 2 years later. Stop. He is currently 29 in the flashback fighting whitebeard who the translator says that something is wrong with WB body.
Edward Newgate: We just climbed up a waterfall didn't we? In which case, why is there a sea and mountains here?!
Edward Newgate(?): Seems like we have almost everyone. It's coz my body's a little rusty *(not sure about the context here but given they just got washed up at the shore, I translated it like so)
Marco: I'll go as well!
Whitey Bay?: No way. You're still an apprentice.
Wano townsfolk 1: Seems like there is a pirate ship at Idate port!
Wano townsfolk 2: It looks a bit different from the usual
Wano townsfolk 3: Hey guys! this is bad! Is seems like "he/she" went to drive them off!
Edward Newgate: All of you, step back!
Whitebeard Crew: Why?! what's going on
Edward Newgate: Something is coming.


Zoro Worshipper
But it's not just that, this WB who clashed with Oden has only just become a captain, meaning he hasnt been fighting the top guys such as Roger and Garp. He's only been fighting their underlings.

Basically this WB even at 40 is only a rookie captain in the NW meaning he's nowhere near his Prime.
Mine is just a mathematical calculation. 5 years isnt much for an old gen, it's like 1-2 months or so for Luffy and new gen company, except WB already got a huge fighting experience back then. He definitely had already learned advanced haki and mastered his DF.

If you are trying to say Primebeard low-mid diffs that WB I can't really see that in my honest opinion.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
How0 is Kaido trash and how is BM trash. Your making no damn sense.
There’s too many arguments to say why Big Mom is trash lol, getting stalemated by Brooke and Monster Chopper, getting one shot by King and Queen, failing to hit Jinbe sitting directly in front of her, Her Spear of Elbaf showing lesser attack power than Dorry and Broggy, etc.

And Kaido is equal to her. These are not Whitebeard level feats. Lol
Dude Prime WB was at least 28 years ago. This storyline takes place 33 years ago. As we know with one piece 5 years in terms of strength is an incredible difference.
No this is before WB even had his Clash with Roger. WB says looking at Shanks reminds him of the scars that man gave him. WB is clean right now. So peeak WSM WB came like 29 or below years ago. Roger died like 24 years ago. So WB probably at hiss peak 28-24 years ago. Vivecard said he was already WSM before Roger died.


Kaido had 8 year old Jack, Whitebeard's crew is mostly kids and teenagers.
I won't be suprised if Tama and/or Momo join the Straw Hats after Wano.
Kaido allowed child Jack in his crew because he's a monster fighter since was born.
Tama has Jack's age when he helped in takeover Wano and she's far weaker than even fodders.
Luffy never allow worthless trash in his crew.
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