People shouldn't forget Hybrid Kaido and BM didn't do any significant damage to SN in 10 mins.
And they were protecting Luffy.
I mean, Zoro and Law got hurt pretty bad, but mostly Zoro.
Separately, I do want to remind people that the intentions and matchups for this arc is pretty non-linear. Everyone wasn't paired for their fight at the beginning of the raid and still aren't. For example:
- Nami and Usopp have been distracting P1 and Ulti since 990 or 991 I believe. At first only Ulti fought them and wrecked them. Then only P1 was fighting. Now Page 1 has been KO'ed by BM. This either implies he was never their matchup to begin with (aka he's done) or he will come back and fight Usopp by weaker or someone else (Chopper)
- Franky wasn't matched to Sasaki until 996. He was MIA with the Number then. Yamato was "matched" to Sasaki and Ulti before things changed. Just keep that in mind
- Jinbe wasn't matched to WsW until 998, still ongoing
- Brook/Robin weren't matched to Black Maria until 1005. This is important because Oda used Sanji as a stopgap to create a story/reason for Robin to fight her. Now it's settled. What's important here is that we went 7 chapters without another matchup. We are about that length again for another one.
So then you are left with:
- Sanji, who is now free
- Chopper, who is now not bound to the virus plot that went on for 15 chapters
- Yamato, who is viable enough to fight someone, if not Kaid
- Zoro, who is now available once he recovers since he's down below again.
With 3 calamities, Page 1 and maaaaaybe Drake (if Queen manipulates him somehow), there is enough here to potentially tidy these marchups in the next 5-10 chapters. In hindsight we might say chopper started his matchup at 1015, Yamato at 1017, Sanji at 1020 and Zoros at 1025 and it would essentially follow the same non-linear idea as the other fights, aka there is no pattern really about setting these up, just what Oda wants to do.
Anyway, i believe the next official matchup is Nami/Usopp, in that they will be officially matched to Ulti b/c Tama will need to leave and command the fodder and they'll block Ulti's way to prevent her from stopping Tama. Kid will attack BM so that will end her O-Lin state. Maybe Page 1 recovers here and creates more issues. Maybe Chopper helps. Who knows really.