Well,now with adv.coa+coc Luffy's Kicks are stronger than Sanji's!But considering just the raw strenght from their legs,i would say Sanji has the better kicks(without considering haki)!
Well,now with adv.coa+coc Luffy's Kicks are stronger than Sanji's!But considering just the raw strenght from their legs,i would say Sanji has the better kicks(without considering haki)!
Without infusing his kicks with haki or using gears?are you sure?Sanji's fighting style is kick based,luffy's main weapons are his hands,sometimes he kicks too!Skywalking means you have crazy explosive leg strength!
Side note:it would be cool to see the monster trio skywalking together when eos happens!I hope oda does a mini arc where all straw hats try to teach each other something about combat!It could happen after Luffy becomes pirate king in Laught tale!
The only restriction was Rayleigh trained him but didnt inform him about Roger having AdCoC coating in his attacks with no-touch effect even when Luffy has CoC since pretimeskip, having G4 but didnt use it to stomp Hody or swat Noah, having G4 side effects, having Luffy seemed so inferior to Katakuri when he just fought Cracker and Enraged Army, all for the sake of false tension which happens every arc. So yeah those every arc fake danger and underdog for Luffy was the only restriction to make it interesting before Oda finally lift the haki ban restriction.
The only restriction was Rayleigh trained him but didnt inform him about Roger having AdCoC coating in his attacks with no-touch effect even when Luffy has CoC since pretimeskip, having G4 but didnt use it to stomp Hody or swat Noah, having G4 side effects, having Luffy seemed so inferior to Katakuri when he just fought Cracker and Enraged Army, all for the sake of false tension which happens every arc. So yeah those every arc fake danger and underdog for Luffy was the only restriction to make it interesting before Oda finally lift the haki ban restriction.
Y'know a lot of people used to think Luffy would only reach Roger level at the end of the series. I was one of the few who said that people needed to stop thinking about Luffy as the up and coming rookie. He's not the young upstart anymore he's stepping into the big leagues. "We're creeping up on Roger level right now" I said. People didn't believe me. Now look where we are.
I know Luffy is still a bit off but given that his clash with Kaido is a deliberate parallel to WB & Roger in their primes I'd say I was right in saying that Roger level was right around the corner.
But what is funny is that the people who thought that the fight with Kaido would be a team battle, and the people that thought Luffy would fight Kaido 1v1....were both correct. It was a team fight that turned into a 1v1. Really baffling that no one considered that both would happen. People let themselves be divided on that for no reason.
Advanced Conqueror's is fucking insane. No wonder the Marines were terrified of this Haki. It makes sense why they'd spread the lie that you need to be born with it. Just figuring out how to use it has help Luffy bridge the gap between him and Kaido. I mean he's still gonna lose this fight but it's impressive how Conquerors Haki has brought him to so close to Kaido's level. As cool as it is I still fully expect Kaido to pull the classic "This isn't even my Final Form" and reveal his Awakening. Showing that the gap between them was a lot bigger than we thought.
I feel it should be noted that Kidd & Killer just straight up tanked that big ass Lighting Blast from Big Mom. Holy shit these guys are tough. What seems to be even crazier is that this is just Big Mom "testing" out her new Homie. Sheesh.
The next portion of the chapter I really enjoy. Not just for the comedy but because it confirms something I've been saying for the longest time. All of the Strawhats are going to Awaken Armament Haki. I know a lot of people don't like that and think that the other strawhats have been fine with their usual moveset but it's quite clear that that isn't enough anymore. We are not some small time Pirates anymore. This isn't East Blue. The Strawhats aren't Rookies anymore. Again, This Is The Big Leagues. Little tricks and gimmicks are just NOT gonna cut it anymore. We're not at a point in the story where the weaker strawhats can keep coasting by on little tricks.That shit is not gonna fly. They need real power behind their attacks. They need Armament Haki. And I think Oda knows that which is why he is deliberately showing us the limits of their tricky fighting. That it's not enough to just have a cool fighting gimmick. Thats not enough to be one of the Top Pirate crews on the ocean. Certainly not an Emperor's crew let alone the Future Pirate King's crew. Luffy said he was gonna have a crew that rivaled or even surpassed Shanks. If they're gonna do that? be one of the Elite? They need to step their game up. Period.
So yes I think that the Strawhats are all Awakening Haki this arc. The scene with Nami & Usopp being upset that they're not strong enough to make Tama feel safe is proof of that in my opinion. That is exactly how a character arc starts. A weakness and internal struggle the characters need to overcome. If the strawhats ever get Tama & Momo as apprentices(and I think they will) they need to be strong enough to protect them on the ocean. So I believe this scene was the start of that arc for them. By the end of the Arc the likes of Usopp and Nami will become powerful enough to to defeat Ulti & Page 1 in one-on-one combat proving that they're strong enough to protect Tama.
I have a separate post I wanna make about Hawkins but I want to explain this theme in One Piece and why it ties into Hawkin's arc for Wano and it's too long to include in this one. So I've save it for later.
I'll end this but just saying I liked seeing Big Mom use Advanced Conqueror's abut even moreso I liked seeing her express her ideals which further flesh out the Pirates Philosophy in One Piece. Pirates may not have "morals" like normal people but Pirate society still has it's own codes and rules. I also really appreciate what Oda's doing with Big Mom this arc, by not only revealing new layers of her character bit by bit but also playing her as this absolute unpredictable wildcard. Big Mom is an engine of chaos this arc. You just have no idea what she's gonna do next.
Luffy: i finally understand since you hit me....that Kanabo is coated with CoC !
Kaidou: you mean you had CoC from pre-TS but Rayleigh didnt tell you that Roger can imbue CoC in his attacks for no-touch style? Wow the author was really mean to ya lol
The only restriction was Rayleigh trained him but didnt inform him about Roger having AdCoC coating in his attacks with no-touch effect even when Luffy has CoC since pretimeskip, having G4 but didnt use it to stomp Hody or swat Noah, having G4 side effects, having Luffy seemed so inferior to Katakuri when he just fought Cracker and Enraged Army, all for the sake of false tension which happens every arc. So yeah those every arc fake danger and underdog for Luffy was the only restriction to make it interesting before Oda finally lift the haki ban restriction.
You cant train it to become stronger by itself, but you can control it for example what Roger vs WB or Kaidou vs Luffy did. Oda literally nerfed Luffy at every arc for underdog effect lol
You cant train it to become stronger by itself, but you can control it for example what Roger vs WB or Kaidou vs Luffy did. Oda literally nerfed Luffy at every arc for underdog effect lol
Y'know a lot of people used to think Luffy would only reach Roger level at the end of the series. I was one of the few who said that people needed to stop thinking about Luffy as the up and coming rookie. He's not the young upstart anymore he's stepping into the big leagues. "We're creeping up on Roger level right now" I said. People didn't believe me. Now look where we are.
I know Luffy is still a bit off but given that his clash with Kaido is a deliberate parallel to WB & Roger in their primes I'd say I was right in saying that Roger level was right around the corner.
But what is funny is that the people who thought that the fight with Kaido would be a team battle, and the people that thought Luffy would fight Kaido 1v1....were both correct. It was a team fight that turned into a 1v1. Really baffling that no one considered that both would happen. People let themselves be divided on that for no reason.
Advanced Conqueror's is fucking insane. No wonder the Marines were terrified of this Haki. It makes sense why they'd spread the lie that you need to be born with it. Just figuring out how to use it has help Luffy bridge the gap between him and Kaido. I mean he's still gonna lose this fight but it's impressive how Conquerors Haki has brought him to so close to Kaido's level. As cool as it is I still fully expect Kaido to pull the classic "This isn't even my Final Form" and reveal his Awakening. Showing that the gap between them was a lot bigger than we thought.
I feel it should be noted that Kidd & Killer just straight up tanked that big ass Lighting Blast from Big Mom. Holy shit these guys are tough. What seems to be even crazier is that this is just Big Mom "testing" out her new Homie. Sheesh.
The next portion of the chapter I really enjoy. Not just for the comedy but because it confirms something I've been saying for the longest time. All of the Strawhats are going to Awaken Armament Haki. I know a lot of people don't like that and think that the other strawhats have been fine with their usual moveset but it's quite clear that that isn't enough anymore. We are not some small time Pirates anymore. This isn't East Blue. The Strawhats aren't Rookies anymore. Again, This Is The Big Leagues. Little tricks and gimmicks are just NOT gonna cut it anymore. We're not at a point in the story where the weaker strawhats can keep coasting by on little tricks.That shit is not gonna fly. They need real power behind their attacks. They need Armament Haki. And I think Oda knows that which is why he is deliberately showing us the limits of their tricky fighting. That it's not enough to just have a cool fighting gimmick. Thats not enough to be one of the Top Pirate crews on the ocean. Certainly not an Emperor's crew let alone the Future Pirate King's crew. Luffy said he was gonna have a crew that rivaled or even surpassed Shanks. If they're gonna do that? be one of the Elite? They need to step their game up. Period.
So yes I think that the Strawhats are all Awakening Haki this arc. The scene with Nami & Usopp being upset that they're not strong enough to make Tama feel safe is proof of that in my opinion. That is exactly how a character arc starts. A weakness and internal struggle the characters need to overcome. If the strawhats ever get Tama & Momo as apprentices(and I think they will) they need to be strong enough to protect them on the ocean. So I believe this scene was the start of that arc for them. By the end of the Arc the likes of Usopp and Nami will become powerful enough to to defeat Ulti & Page 1 in one-on-one combat proving that they're strong enough to protect Tama.
I have a separate post I wanna make about Hawkins but I want to explain this theme in One Piece and why it ties into Hawkin's arc for Wano and it's too long to include in this one. So I've save it for later.
I'll end this but just saying I liked seeing Big Mom use Advanced Conqueror's abut even moreso I liked seeing her express her ideals which further flesh out the Pirates Philosophy in One Piece. Pirates may not have "morals" like normal people but Pirate society still has it's own codes and rules. I also really appreciate what Oda's doing with Big Mom this arc, by not only revealing new layers of her character bit by bit but also playing her as this absolute unpredictable wildcard. Big Mom is an engine of chaos this arc. You just have no idea what she's gonna do next.
Imo Kaidou will pull a "this is not even my final form" obviously, widening the gap once again and damaging Luffy most critically nearest to his death ever, thats just to be expected from WSC. but since there was a chapter titled "Decisive Battle of Monsters in Onigashima" before, imo this battle is decisive. I think there will be "Strawhat Luffy vs Hundred Beast Kaidou" happening at rooftop. And if theres that title then imo Luffy will really pull out a win here.
What? Luffy didnt train his haki in this battle to become stronger. Luffy controlled it with a technique. Rayleigh said the only way CoC can be stronger is by personal powerlevel growth. And Rayleigh also said Luffy must control CoC to not affect his friends, so it cant be trained but cant be controlled. Those statements were in the same chapter. Do you forget about this?
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