[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 6 - Naruto: Mafia Shippuden

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I will never forgive Oda
I made this expecting nobody to solve it, but if you do, good for you.
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i spent too much time on this
If you don't stop liking every post I'm gonna threadban u


When were you under the impression this game is..
Yeah, and i mean even for him its something else.
not sometime soon but in summer sure

im busy as sht with exams rn and honestly shudnt be here playing this lol
Online games > School.
mid isnt that active rn tho
seems his usual scum meta

the most contributive mid i saw was mid on reborn game and that was town mid
I just checked, he has 2 pages now and voted FB.

In my game he was legit hiding and you know it since he was your mate.

Also still remember him being similar in Flower's game.

didn't lanji himself admit he was playing scummy in your game?
I don't remember lol, did he? But like, that proves my point. Scum Lanji is afraid of confrontation, let's wait and see.

Alright bye for now guys :sweat:

What do you think of FB or Usopp btw, read my case please.


What do you think of Usopp btw? Sounded to me like Mafia who didn't know Town's wincon.
Tbh I have just been casually skimming D1. I posted about it earlier I kinda skipped the entire thing about the opening post and him since I do not read the opening posts at all usually. The one thing I didn't like was it seeming like he was trying to shift focus.
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