Powers & Abilities Haoshoku Haki: What are those qualities of a king?

I have been thinking a while what could be the criteria of getting CoC.

Literal meaning of Haoshoku:
The literal meaning of Hao is supreme rulers. Stephen Paul in his earlier script called it "overlord". So the word literally means lord of the lords, king of the kings.

Merigold says in chapter 519 =>
ViZ missed half of her quote which can be found from Stephen's scripts =>
"He has the quality of a king, meant to stand on the shoulders of other men!!"

Based on haoshoku's literal meaning and Marigold's statement, a CoC wielder has to be =>
(1) a natural born leader

There is another interesting meaning of haoshoku which I found from wiki =>
"Though the "Haō" is translatable to king, it refers to a warring king or conqueror, one who rules by power and conquest"
Based on this translation the second requirement can be =>
2) a king of warriors - extraordinary fighter

Rayleigh's statements:
The most important information about haoshoku haki came from the dark king in chapter 597. The first thing Rayleigh says about Haoshoku, "it is the power to overwhelm -- the color of the supreme king"
Cnet128's translation is a little more clear: "This is the ability to overpower the opponent's will"

An exceptionally strong willpower to the point it can overwhelm opponent's will is the core of CoC. Thats why CoC intimidates weaker opponents and break their wills to fight back. We have seen several times how fierce animals ran away because of CoC. So the third quality of a king =>
3) exceptional willpower

Rayleigh also said, "It can often be found in the type of people who make a name for themselves on a global scale" (cnet128's scripts)
So the next criteria can be =>
4) fame on a global scale

Chinjao and King's statements:
Chijao asked Luffy, "What king do you seek to be?"
This statement implies the CoC users are typically aiming for a title/throne. Thats why the next criteria can be =>
5) ambition to be a king

In Chapter 1033, King said it again once Zoro unlocked his AdCoC:
Some scanlators were more direct with their translation. They translated, "So you also have kingly ambitions?"

Doberman's statement:
Doberman said, "He is the son of Dragon, little wonder he possess this inner power"
- which implies lineage can play a role in CoC. We also saw how Ace and Katakuri had parents with CoC. The case for lineage will be stronger if Momo or Yamato has it. So the next condition is =>
6) lineage factor

Yamato also has CoC. We have 3 confirmed CoC users (Ace, Kuri, Yamato) whose parents also possess the same power. If Dragon has CoC that will make a total of 4.

Garp has CoC which also supports lineage being important

In summary, the main six criteria for CoC that I could think of are =>
(1) a natural born leader
(2) a king of warriors - extraordinary fighter
(3) exceptional willpower
(4) fame on a global scale
(5) ambition to be a king

(6) lineage factor

Chosen by heavens - Fate - destiny:
Does any of these qualities really matter? Unlike armament and observation haki, the CoC cannot be attained through training. Doesnt it mean someone can achieve fame or learn leadership through trial and errors, but will never achieve CoC unless they are born with it? Thats why Trebol says to Doffy, "you were chosen by the heavens" =>

Kuja pirates call it, "the haki of the chosen ones" =>

Garp also confirmed you have to be born with it =>

Is CoC essentially a lottery ticket? Will Oda give CoC randomly to characters whenever it suits him? Or will the aforementioned qualities play a part for characters getting CoC in the future?

Some tags (anyone I can remember now):
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this one contradicts most;
- Rayleigh (no ambition to be king), Sengoku (Fleet Admiral, worked under Kong and Gorosei), Doflamingo (just wanted to create chaos), Katakuri (happy to work under Big Mom).
Probably yes. Whitebeard only wanted a family.
We don't know much about Rayleigh's ambition though. He is a king, the dark king.

Sanji :josad:
none of all that criteria fits sanji ouch :feelscryingman:
I have been thinking a while what could be the criteria of getting CoC.

Literal meaning of Haoshoku:
The literal meaning of Hao is supreme rulers. Stephen Paul in his earlier script called it "overlord". So the word literally means lord of the lords, king of the kings.

Merigold says in chapter 519 =>
ViZ missed half of her quote which can be found from Stephen's scripts =>
"He has the quality of a king, meant to stand on the shoulders of other men!!"

Based on haoshoku's literal meaning and Marigold's statement, a CoC wielder has to be =>
(1) a natural born leader

There is another interesting meaning of haoshoku which I found from wiki =>
"Though the "Haō" is translatable to king, it refers to a warring king or conqueror, one who rules by power and conquest"
Based on this translation the second requirement can be =>
2) a king of warriors

Rayleigh's statements:
The most important information about haoshoku haki came from the dark king in chapter 597. The first thing Rayleigh says about Haoshoku, "it is the power to overwhelm -- the color of the supreme king"
Cnet128's translation is a little more clear: "This is the ability to overpower the opponent's will"

An exceptionally strong willpower to the point it can overwhelm opponent's will is the core of CoC. Thats why CoC intimidates weaker opponents and break their wills to fight back. We have seen several times how fierce animals ran away because of CoC. So the third quality of a king =>
3) exceptional willpower

Rayleigh also said, "It can often be found in the type of people who make a name for themselves on a global scale" (cnet128's scripts)
So the next criteria can be =>
4) fame on a global scale

Chinjao's statement:
Chijao asked Luffy, "What king do you seek to be?"
This statement implies the CoC users are typically aiming for a title/throne. Thats why the next criteria can be =>
5) ambition to be a king

Doberman's statement:
Doberman said, "He is the son of Dragon, little wonder he possess this inner power"
- which implies lineage can play a role in CoC. We also saw how Ace and Katakuri had parents with CoC. The case for lineage will be stronger if Momo or Yamato has it. So the next condition is =>
6) lineage factor

In summary, the main six criteria for CoC that I could think of are =>
(1) a natural born leader
(2) a king of warriors
(3) exceptional willpower
(4) fame on a global scale
(5) ambition to be a king

(6) lineage factor

Chosen by heavens - Fate - destiny:
Does any of these qualities really matter? Unlike armament and observation haki, the CoC cannot be attained through training. Doesnt it mean someone can achieve fame or learn leadership through trial and errors, but will never achieve CoC unless they are born with it? Thats why the Trebol says to Doffy, "you were chosen by the heavens" =>

Kuja pirates call it, "the haki of the chosen ones" =>

Garp also confirmed you have to be born with it =>

Is CoC essentially a lottery ticket? Will Oda give CoC randomly to characters whenever it suits him? Or will the aforementioned qualities play a part for characters getting CoC in the future?

Some tags (anyone I can remember now):
Being a chosen one is related to those qualities i guess. So if your will is strong enough to break the limit then you are destined to be the chosen one, to have it or to unlock it. We know Luffy to unlock the chosen one when he try to protect others, Bonclay - Ace - Margaret. And now protecting the Samurai at Wano.

Luffy literally unlocked each checkpoint of CoC understanding based on his will to protect others. So his affinity and talent to use this power to the fullest, to the lengths of creativity and depth no one else can reach, is very strongly rooted of his unbreakable will to protect his friends. This is exactly why he will be standing above all pirates and very possibly all existence in One Piece lore. He has no choice other than to become the Ultimate One, since he has to protect his own freedom and his friends, to protect everything that he chooses. This is his romance all along.

Zoro got this unlocking moment when he tried to protect others as well, which is his own captain and king, Luffy. He broke the limit and since he's already this strong even with dormant CoC, him unlocking CoC at this point is so much indicative of his will to stand at the top of all swordsmen and also, like Luffy, so much in line with protective characteristics. So he's in a way will be inheriting the traits of strength from Rayleigh (CoC), Koushiro (Breath of All Things so CoO and CoA?), and Mihawk (CoA - Black Blade) I think gaining the specialty from all three is the key for him to beat Mihawk and surpass Ryuma.

But as far as storytelling goes, yea Oda may choose this like lottery ticket since he's the one choosing his chosen ones lol. So i gues PK-WSM-WSC-Emperor candidates will have CoC since they reach the position they're in using their persevering willpower to stand above others. So yeah if Kidd and Law are to be Emperors then maybe they will develop CoC affinity as well, its like related to their position in OP world imo.
I don’t think lineage is a factor to have COC. The vast majority of COC users don’t have any special parentage; royals like Hancock and Big Mom earned their titles through merit rather than lineage. Katakuri is the only Charlotte child to have COC; a 1 out of 65 success rate is really not making the case for COC as a genetic trait. If COC had anything to do with one’s origins, Vivi should have it, so should every descendant or at least a significant number of people descended from the 20 founding families in the World Government.
It’s those who have the willpower to lead and an exceptionally strong will.

Ambition to be a king is the only one here I don’t agree with. Luffy doesn’t want to rule anyone. He doesn’t want to be a king. Katakuri didn’t want to either same with Rayleigh. Whitebeard was able to become the king of the pirates but he didn’t have the ambition to.

Sasaki Kojirō

The conditions need to be fulfilled I believe, the person who owns COC he must also have a great ambition, katakuri has earned the reputation of "invincible", the most dangerous Shichibukais Doflamingo, Chinjão, he longed for treasures, BIG MOM to own all races and being a pirate queen, Luffy in being Pk, Zoro achieved something that not even the current WSS has, soon started to overcome Mihawk, KAIDO wants to conquer the world and be the king of the world, obviously, KAIDO subdued his enemies with his overwhelming strength and breaking his spirits, he managed to recruit many strong members, and managed to become a YONKOU in the process, ODEN would be the SHOGUN of a country, he was born with COC, Dark King, Rayleigh, achieved fame enough to be called King of darkness , he was probably born with COC, COC is a power that you need to be born with.

But ODA can simply give COCs to characters that he will never show the past, and say that they go beyond requirements.
Type is not a matter of being logical, it is because KAIDO at that moment makes 1x3, in all LARINES, the MAN is differentiated.
I think it's just exceptional willpower and being a natural born leader.

CoC is something your born with...it makes no sense if it has to do with Ambition. Since Ambition is more of an environmental thing. You're not born with the ambition that you want to pursue. The environment around you makes you decide.
CoC is something your born with...it makes no sense if it has to do with Ambition. Since Ambition is more of an environmental thing. You're not born with the ambition that you want to pursue. The environment around you makes you decide.
"The environment makes you decide" - this statement is not really true for shonens. Why Luffy wanted to be a PK? Why Zoro wanted to be WSS? It almost seems like they started to express their desire for PK and WSS from a very early age, when they had no clue what it really meant. Its more like their destiny, they were born for greatness and thats why they have such great ambition and conviction to fulfill it.

Ambition to be a king is the only one here I don’t agree with. Luffy doesn’t want to rule anyone. He doesn’t want to be a king.
While you can certainly make your case with WB and Kuri, Luffy is a man with kingly ambitions. The word king is used metaphorically in the PK title, similar to how yonko means 4 emperors. I highly doubt WB or Shanks ruled the islands under their influence in a traditional way.
"The environment makes you decide" - this statement is not really true for shonens. Why Luffy wanted to be a PK? Why Zoro wanted to be WSS? It almost seems like they started to express their desire for PK and WSS from a very early age, when they had no clue what it really meant. Its more like their destiny, they were born for greatness and thats why they have such great ambition and conviction to fulfill it.
Nah thats bull. Luffy only wanted to become PK because he met Shanks and Shanks inspired him to be it. Had Luffy met a very inspiring farmer, he'd want to become a farmer or something. We have no clue about Zoro's early life. But as you can see the environment you grow up in and the people you meet help you decide what you want to be.