Communism and capitalism are 2 extremes, black and white, of course the best system for everybody should be inbetween. The extremes are only good for the strongest in the society since they eat way more than what they will get in more balanced societies (even if actually a truly balanced society most likely doesn'exist).
Communism is an utopia, wonderful idea (everybody is equal) but it can't be done, in some ways it goes not only against human nature but against nature as a whole too. Like for animals even the human tries to always get more even if it goes against other humans. Every attempt at it ended bad one way or another. Capitalism is horrible on the chart and indeed pure capitalism doesn't exist in real life either, not even in dictatorships. There is always a portion of healthcare, some form of support for the poorest classes and so on that is needed. Otherwise it would be the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, pure capitalism. The presence of the state is indeed needed to cover all these areas the market can not cover (cause there is no economic gain).
Just to make an example I would never ever go live in the USA. Young people has to pay ridicoulous taxes just to go to university, billionares pay less taxes than their secretaries, it is so unbalanced to the point some of these billionaries themselves are denouncing this fact. And this is just ridicoulous. A politician like Sanders is seen like a communist while what he is asking is just a system more balanced for everybody, see Europe. Most people can not even get cured if there is the need, the right of the working class are the same as a century ago. Then there is also the gun law which is just another symptom. It can't be removed despite its nasty effects cause the gun lobbies need to sell their product.
Then of course I don' live in the USA, I live in Italy, but even here (and in other Euro countries too) there is absurd data like the 5% richest own the same as the 90% poorest. And worldwide the 26 richest in the world own the same as the poorer half of the whole human population.