Character Discussion Why Zoro is a horrible character

I guess that part is similar
also gives naruto sasuke vibes

yeah sanji is smart
I dont think sakuragi is that smart tho he calls himself a genius
who are we to doubt that
am still on ep 50 tho
Omg you’re so lucky
I wish I could have a memory loss just so I can experience slam dunk for the first time again

After you finish the anime read the manga
The last match is the most hype adrenaline pumping match i have ever read
Characters sharing Luffy : Idiocy, Eat-a-lot Habits, Will, Ingenuity, Dynamism

( Gon : Hunter x Hunter )

Characters sharing Luffy : Idiocy, Will, Ingenuity, Dynamism


Characters sharing Luffy : Will, Ingenuity, Dynamism

Edward Elric
Ichigo Kurosaki
Zoro pre timeskip>Zoro post timeskip, it took Oda 400 chapters for one good Zoro moment in Wano. He's even shafting Franky and Jinbei hard (my faves among the straw hats), instead of showing cool stuff from them he rather shows characters running around and Nami/Usopp gag fight, waste of time, horrible panel prioritization for someone that doesn't have unlimited time to draw everything important.
Zoro pre timeskip>Zoro post timeskip, it took Oda 400 chapters for one good Zoro moment in Wano. He's even shafting Franky and Jinbei hard (my faves among the straw hats), instead of showing cool stuff from them he rather shows characters running around and Nami/Usopp gag fight, waste of time, horrible panel prioritization for someone that doesn't have unlimited time to draw everything important.
Every character preskip > post skip. Because Oda handled better panel time and crew interactions. Tell us something new... And Zoro is still the same. He didn't have much panel time before Wano but now you can see that he didn't change at all.