Who will Knock Out Sanji?

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But I think Kid doing badly is intentional.

Did you notice that in Act 2 Kid DISAPPEARED the exact chapter before Luffy started training in Ryuo to hurt Kaido? Then in chapter 1010, Kid disappears EXACTLY when Zoro and Luffy learn Advanced CoC to do big damage to Kaido?

Like this is intentional dude. Oda DOES NOT want Kid to know how to do this shit
I doubt he intentionally wants Kid to suck considering he had him in the roof top and had Kaido praise him

the worst generation is a stand out generation. Luffy being the only guy worth shit defeats the whole purpose of that
That may be possible. But I think that is off-screen for now. And I will believe that Kaidou did not use awakening power like turn something in tp his material from his devil fruit if it shows to an on-screen scene. May be on a flashback.
There is also the possibility that his fruit is already awakened (being a koi fish that "evolved" into it's dragon form). Maybe his powers were really lame when he got it from BM, but through struggle (which seems to be his theme as a Yonko) he managed to unlock its full mythical powers. I really hope we get more info on him in a flashback (maybe when Yamato faces him?).
Marco who has already used his flames on the live floor which have a limit and don't work properly on others will heal zoro instantly
Yet you're the one whose reading the narrative. Don't make me laugh.
I mean:

- the flames were used on stopping a virus, not for healing.

- the flames are based on personal recovery, so unless Zoro is comparable to fodder (which he isnt), he should recover way faster than a normal person.

And yeah I am reading the narrative. Zoro/Sanji -> Performance floor. Performance floor = Marco, Chopper, King and Queen

It's not rocket science guys.
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