Character Discussion Why is Ben Beckman so hyped?

Based on a canon databook, not my fault that you start posting threads about x character without having proper knowledge about said character.

You didn't even read the message that I quoted lmao. I was speaking about your "never was a VC".

Comparable to Red Haired, which means that he is close to him strength wise. If that's vague for you, you should learn some reading comprehension so it isn't vague anymore.
Shut up, ignorant candy I’m not reading bs from a no life try hard lol
*Meanwhile this guy*:

At least do a lil research before opening a thread.
I’m not obligated to read anything thats not shown in the actual manga you secondary source wanking fool
Based on a canon databook, not my fault that you start posting threads about x character without having proper knowledge about said character.

You didn't even read the message that I quoted lmao. I was speaking about your "never was a VC".
Shut up, ignorant candy I’m not reading bs from a no life try hard lol
Candy? I see, you are mad now. Sucks to be you then, calling it bias when it is stated in the vivre card. Do some research next time or you will clown yourself even more.
Why bringing up Vivrecard and/or other databooks and fight about it when it's literally stated in Chapter 1 that Benn Beckman is the first mate/vice captain :josad:



Zoro Worshipper
Because he is a badass. badasses will forever by hyped. just look at zoro, mihawk, vergo, kaidou, ace, wb.

if he looked silly like Lucky roux, then none would hype him

reason why people don't accept that Ivankov=mihawk, and pretend that mihawk is highest level while ivankov is mid tier rofl
Well for starters Sanji = Zoro is patently invalid and we witnessed the extensive gap. There's no minimal ground for Iva = Mihawk either based off that or not, so no matter from which perspective we gaze at the thing.
Burgess isn't a First Mate ...
Too bad he is Teech’s first mate
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Kizaru needs permission to defend himself from a pirate pointing a gun at his face?
We’re talking about Shanks challenge, learn to read
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Excuses for cowards. Cope crybaby
Clown lmao
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Candy? I see, you are mad now. Sucks to be you then, calling it bias when it is stated in the vivre card. Do some research next time or you will clown yourself even more. :beckmoji: