What’s the spoiler provider hiding from us?

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Damn we've been guessing Match Ups for a year now.
I'm done speculating, fuck it give Sanji King Queen and Kaido himself, idec anymore.
Does it even matter? :seriously:
Match up were always going to take a while to set and breaks made things longer .
This arc is like marine ford only we going some full match up where marine ford was 35 chapters with out any thing but clashes really.


Interesting spoilers

Momo is a big deal regarding the big secrets of the series, he should have this panel time

big reveals are coming in this arc

also Oda focusing on the prophecy and waiting for this year to come give me red flags, what if the evil side also know about this ?
nothing suprising it was clear Momo is the ancient weapon Uranus


Can you people relax a bit. Jesus. Chopper wont win. Relax.
It's not about him winning, it's about the fact that Queen has been stalled for over 10 chapters by Marco (alongside King), and he is getting stalled again by CHOPPER, Chopper should've been one shotted by Queen, there's no way.

Dude has a bounty of 1.32 bil and he can't deal with Chopper instantly? are you serious?
No carrot saving luffy @dizzy2341 goin be catching slander by @Rootbeer and others
I never said that it would happen. I said that it was a possibility, which it still technically is, albeit more unlikely. As for whatever "slander" others might have over a plausible suggestion, that would say infinitely more about them than it could ever about me. I'll still ignore as I have consistently for a while now. Yapping and crying goes right over the head.
I'm sure he's not from Korea, here in Spain we changed hours, but the Spoiler hour never really changed, always at the same hour except for exceptions...
It's someone Using a VPN
(except they changed hours in Korea too LMaO)
He is korean because he only post korean version of text
Time doesn't matter
Bro Acnologia get one shot in the end, most of the fandom was disappointted about the final battle.
That was kinda trash for the final villian of the arc, Kaido at least curbstomping right and left and take damage, Acno was done after the first attack who damage him...
Bitch please, Acnologia got one shot by Natsu at the end.
FT villains are bad at how Mashima treats them at the end; Kaido isn't the best villain in One Piece but he is a decent fighter at least. :myman:
Wtf guys, I tagged you two to back me up, not to join the OPlers.. Ok I'm out then.. :risitasad:
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