What’s the spoiler provider hiding from us?

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The rightful ruler of Wano might have to embark on this journey with the future Pirate King for one last time.

Maybe that's also why we're getting the dialogue from CP0 about his artificial devil fruit, as something that will continue to play a role in the future as he get's better with it. Vegapunk could actually get to see Momonosuke using it in a future arc.
But I don’t like him


Talent is something you make bloom.
Oda isn’t going to break power level standards. what Choppers doing is honestly impressive for him! But I think people vastly underestimate the calamities to even think the provider was being fully honest
I dont think I underestimate Calamities.
I actually advocate in their favor a lot.
I guess I just overestimated Monster Point Chopper. Which is a shame. I always thought Chopper was strong enough to AT LEAST not be placed alongside Nami and Usopp, EVEN without monster point. Oh well...
Chopper is fighting Queen. Chopper grabs Queen’s neck and throws him to the ground but Queen is doing fine and laughing while Chopper is getting tired. Chopper and some samurais have some arrows in his back, it seems Perospero shot them.

Chopper doesn't have much time left in his Monster Point form. He thinks to himself that he has around 10 minutes left. Chopper regrets too not being able to hurt Queen despite he already is extending his Monster Point form.
With Perospero aiding Queen and whilst King is busy getting bullied by Marco, I wonder which group will come in time to save Chopper and the samurai from death? :sanmoji:
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