This chapter was awesome man... I was very very annoyed with early spoilers but my experience after reading full spoilers and now chapter is very different. It's awesome!
Kaido taunting Luffy with "Gomu Gomu No" was quite good and funny lol. So Kaido defeated Luffy because Luffy's technique of coating CoC in attacks was not good enough. From that panel seems like Kaido was bloodied as well. He deffo took damage from Luffy's attacks.
Kaido knew about JoyBoy. Man that's surprising. So there is no reincarnation or some kind of wierd typical story rather it's about inheritance of Joy Boy's will. Kaido will eat his words soon
Strawhats reaction was good. Zoro and Sanji as expected didn't accept the surrender. Glad Chopper could extend his monster point through Ceaser's help. And really glad that he couldn't even hurt Queen with his extended monster point. Strawhats other than monster trio and Jinbe desperately need CoA and CoO. It's quite embarassing that they didn't learn it.
I'm really excited to know what Momo wanted to say to Kiku and Kinemon. And what voice did he hear. Is Zunisha or some mythical beats nearby? Kanjuro killing Kiku was cruel sigh. Kinemon was able to avenge Kiku's death by killing his former close friend. End of Kanjuro's story was quite good imo.
Kaido broke Kinemon and Kiku's sword in a single CoC imbued blow

. He was not serious against Scabbards and Supernova at all lol.
Who is gonna save Luffy. Will Yamato (Possible Future SH) save Luffy from near death like Robin did at Alabasta (She was potential SH back then) after Luffy's first duel against Crocodile. Really excited for future events!!