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Why are people hoping Kanjuro is dead? Honestly I think he's a more interesting villain than Kaido. This is a character who was an ally since Dressrosa who was a mole the whole time. It's been such a shock how twisted and cruel he turned out to be when he was such a doof before. I think his devil fruit also has more potential than almost any other fruit in the series now that he can actually use it well, especially with the devious tactics he's using now instead of just a straight up fight. I for one would love to see him sneaking around using different tricks and traps (not just fake Oden) to take down the scabbards 1 by 1 until only Kinemon is left to take him down. I'm dissapointed that it looks like he's done already.
Because I think his death was really good and impactful, especially his last few lines.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Why do people slander Sanji like this? bro throwing characters is not a feat if your not doing damage, Why do you think people are clowning Kidd for that shit he was doing on the roof? Moving characters is not impressive, Robin moved Big mom......... Also You cant make an argument about Franky and Jimbei being above Sanji until they actually defeat their opponents....... Jimbei and Franky been fighting a tobi roppo for almost 15+ chapters now and they cant even push them to hybrid form. A Tobi Roppo went hybrid instantly for Sanji.

Also Tag Teaming a commander > Everything thats happening in these tobi roppo fights rn......
Btw current Updated power rankings
2) zoro
3) Jinbei
4) Franky
6) Sanji
8) Nami
9) Usopp
Chopper’s ability to throw someone of the size of Queen almost ragdolling him when compared with Sanji’s inability to break a fucking door puts him above Sanji.
Rankings will be updated if Sanji does something useful which i doubt,Incoming HypeTool moment or a pathetic tag team.
Robin should be higher than Sanji/chopper/franky right?...I mean she literally did the same thing to BigMom just like what Chopper did to Queen...
Robin should be higher than Sanji/chopper/franky right?...I mean she literally did the same thing to BigMom just like what Chopper did to Queen...
What nonsense. Sanji got wailed on by Black Maria and he's running around more or less ok. Robin got in the room with her for 10 minutes and she has broken fingers.
What we know: Luffy ran out of haki while announcing an attack.
+ Look at Kaidos Face damn

Kaidos Face looks like Luffy beat the shit out of him!!! Lucky Kaido that luffys haki reserves are still low
exaggeration aside... he was huffin... but him transforming back to base makes me wonder..

plus he even said ome of those lines antagonists says after a protagonists whoops them

"You technique had alot to desire worororo"

makes sense since luffy went toe to toe with him
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