Man, there is nothing I would love more than for Yamato to drop the Oden shtick’s maybe the only genuine argument against her joining the crew (and really not a solid one considering how Oden’s journey was portrayed so lovingly right before her introduction), and just like the author’s other favorite gags (Sanji’s perversion, Usopp’s cowardice, Carrot’s irrelevance), it got old several chapters after the first occurrence and won’t ever swing back to enjoyable. She’s joining the crew whether y’all like it or not, but God DAMN, Oda’s gotta do better
Also, with this chapter all but confirming that Joy Boy is an inheritable trait rather than a specific savior, this is the first time since Fishman Island that I *HAVEN’T* been convinced that Luffy’s the one. The shit Momo said and did in this chapter make me believe, like a lot of you pricks, that he’s the actual key to this particular mystery, and the connection between them is a little more obvious in hindsight - remember, there was a Poneglyph written by Joy Boy in an arc well before we learned that the Kozuki clan is singularly capable of chiseling them.
Am I the only one who thinks it would be cool to see Jinbe make short work of Who’s Who before diving off Onigashima and plumbing the depths outside Wano to save his new captain? Otherwise, I’m not sure who will; it damn sure isn’t Carrot like one little dope thinks, everyone else is presently engaged, and unless the author is dropping all pretense, the Big Mom Pirates aren’t gonna sail by on the way to the raid and give him a lift
Finally, if this truly is the end for Kiku and Kin’ much as it needed/was fated to happen, it still fucking sucks. I know we need some pretty notable deaths to make this arc feel more poignant, but the former and especially the latter deserve to survive and live with their families in the free and vibrant Wano their late master was supposed to create. Still hoping they pull through somehow, but for real, Kanjuro can eat my balls and I hope he’s truly down for good